Infortmation on WWW


“The wealth of information available on the WWW is worthless unless you know how to search, select and use this information for the good.”

The WWW is one of the seven services offered by the Internet. It blends the best and not-so-best of the textual information with graphical capabilities of today’s desktop system. On the web you will find information related to almost every topic under the sun. The Web is widely accessible to everybody, making its popularity grow rapidly. Though this service is widely functional, only a few know its further benefits. It’s probably because most of the people who browse the Net, refuse to explore or are only limited to a small range of Web pages.

Those who would like to venture or are already hooked to the WWW, must be acquainted of its different types of queries. The subject directory which is said to be the best way to do subject-oriented research. Academic and Professional Directories and Commercial Directors and Portals are subordinates of a subject directory. Search Engines are also at hand to entertain general queries. Meta Search Engines are also helpful for they give you the most significant entries regarding your topic. Lastly there is the Deep Web which is widely used for non-textual information or PDF files. Thus, familiarity with the WWW’s queries will definitely make you utilize the service to its fullest.

Furthermore, everyone should be given enough literacy about the computer as it gradually becomes a necessity in a fast-paced society we live in. along with enough knowledge about WWW, one is also bound to be responsible enough in choosing the Web pages he would want to patronize or indulge to. The WWW undeniably caters the widest compilation of sites regarding all fields. And due to its universality it is also prone to abuse. As Web browser we should set limitations on how much to explore and learn to control ourselves in getting to something that won’t do us any good. The WWW is such a wonderful innovation man created , when accompanied with the proper skills in handling and manipulating it we can fruitfully achieve our goals with regards to using the WWW.




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One Response to “Infortmation on WWW”

  1. Baha says:

    I’m tyirng to get my PHP calculator simply doesn’t I don’t know why..maybe I have to configure some php files on the server??

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