Changing the look and feel of Oracle EBS environment:
Changing the Oracle EBS look and feel help us to change the colour of the HTML and java based form page in Oracle EBS,the advantage is,it helps us differentiate between PRODUCTION and NON-PRODUCTION environment .
We can follow the below steps to achieve it:
Step 1: Login to Oracle EBS Home page with ‘sysadmin’ user.
Step 2: Navigate to System Administrator Responsibility =>system profile form page
Step 3: Navigate to the System Profile option Name =>Java Look and Feel
And Site =>oracle ,Screenshot below for reference.
Step 4: Navigate to the System Profile option Name =>Java Colour scheme
And site =>tealThis choose the teal colour ,Screenshot below for reference
Step 5: Navigate to the System Profile option Name ,profile to change the =>Oracle Applications Look and Feel
And site =>Base Desktop look and feel. ,Screenshot below for reference.
Step 6: Signout and login Oracle EBS application again to see the new look and feel it.
Tags: Changing the look and feel of Oracle EBS environment, look and feel, Oracle EBS environment, Oracle Setting, Oracle System Administrator Setting