Once upon a time, a serpent chased a firefly. The latter fled rapidly, afraid of the ferocious predator, but the serpent didn’t even think about giving up.
The firefly fled one day and the serpent didn’t give up, two days, and nothing…
On the third day, now clearly weakened, the firefly stopped and asked the serpent:
• Can I ask you three questions?
• I don’t usually proceed this way with anyone, but since I’m going to devour you anyway, you may ask…
• Am I part of your food chain?
• No.
• Did I harm you in any way?
• No.
• So then, why do you want to finish me off?
• Because I can’t stand to see you shine…
Many times, we don’t understand the reason for persecution, anger, lies, slander, etc.
But here is one of the reasons:
they simply can’t stand to see us shine !!!
Tags: shine, The Snake And The Firefly, The Snake And The Firefly Story