The day 9th March of 2013 is  the day when Pakistan got another scar. Woe on the pitiable situation of great patriot and committed loyal Christians of Pakistan. They had paid a very high price for their faith to stay as Christian. I am sorry again… But please always do remember we still love you , we still cherish you. You play your role in building a strong Pakistan. A better Pakistan. I know its too much hippocrates but it is not that we are hippocrates or some two face people. We love you , we consider you part of our country , your country and we cherish you. Many of you have represented us all in different countries. You have been in sports , you have been in music etc. You all us make a complete in different fields. We are with you guys and want you to be with us in building our country . Only together we can make this country. Only together we can make Pakistan a better nation.
Tags: blasphemy claim, Christian homes set ablaze, Christian homes set ablaze over blasphemy claim, I Want To Say Sorry To All The Christians in Pakistan, pakistan bleeding, pakistan crying, pakistan dying