Solaris Management in User And Group Management


Out Of Memory Not Enough Space Solaris 11,Out Of Memory , Not Enough Space Solaris 11,Solaris 11,Solaris 10,Oracle 12c on Solaris 11.3,Oracle 12c,Solaris 11.3,

User Management:

There are two types of User;

1. Hard User
2. Soft User

  1. Hard User Creation:You must be root (superuser) to add a user. An easy way to remember the syntax of the useradd command in Solaris is to run it with no options. Follow the resulting usage information including the parts that you require. Important options are:

-d home-directory-path

This is the new user’s home directory, typically /export/home/username


Make home directory and copy the default skeleton files (these files are located in /etc/skel directory).

-u uid

The uid (userid) is a number from 0 to 65535 which identifies the user on the system.  uid 0 is reserved for root.  If you don’t specify one, the next available uid will be used automatically.

-c “User Name”

Comment field which usually contains the name of the user. Make sure you enclose the name in quotes if it contains a space.

-s /path/to/shell

The shell to use.  If you don’t specify this, it will default to /bin/sh. Make sure you specify the fully qualified path.

So, putting it together, a typical addition of a user named ‘tushar’ would be:

#useradd -d /export/home/tushar -m -s /bin/ksh -c “tushar” tushar

To set Password: 

Use the following command “passwd tushar”.
To delete Hard User use the below Command;

#userdel -r tushar

  1. Soft User Creation: You must be root (superuser) to add a user. However, you will get limited access to system by using Soft User. Simply use the below command;useradd “User Name”Example:useradd tushar
                Passwd tushar (To set password)To delete Soft User use the below command;

    userdel “User Name”

    Example: userdel tushar

    If you want to change any authorization of any User use the ‘usermod’ command;

    #usermod -s /bin/bash tushar (To change the default shell)

    Configuration files:

  1. i)  /etc/passwd à user details will be shown here.
  2.      ii) /etc/shadowà users password will be kept here in encrypted form.

It’s a smart idea to run pwck (passwd check) whenever you make a change to the /etc/passwd file (as when adding or changing a user). This program will identify any problems with the passwd file. If it doesn’t tell you anything, then you are in good shape.

# vi /etc/passwd
# pwck

Group Management:
There are two types of Group;

  1. Primary Group (one user can assign to maximum one Primary Group)
  2. Secondary Group (one user can assign to maximum fifteen Secondary Group)

Use ‘groupadd’ command to add group called ‘INVAS’:

# groupadd INVAS

Create a group called ‘VAS’ with GID 500:

# groupadd –g 500 VAS

Add a user ‘tushar’ to Primary group ‘INVAS’:

# usermod –g INVAS tushar

Add a user ‘tushar’ to Secondary group ‘VAS’:

# usermod -G VAS tushar

Change the name INVAS to O&M:

# groupmod -n O&M INVAS
Remove the group called INVAS:

# groupdel INVAS

If you manually modified the /etc/group file then you can check any group file inconsistencies with grpck command:

# vi /etc/group
# grpck

Configuration file:





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