Locking And Unlocking Tables In Oracle


Locking And Unlocking Tables In Oracle,Locking Tables In Oracle,Unlocking Tables In Oracle,Tables In Oracle,Oracle DBA,DBA,APPS DBA,ORA DBA,Application DBA,Database DBA,Oracle Tricks,Locking Query in Oracle,Unlocking Query in DBA,Oracle Forms Error,Oracle Application Forms Error,Forms : Could not reserve record (2 tries). Keep trying,FRM-40501,FRM-40501: COULD NOT RESERVE RECORD [2 TRIES]; ORACLE APPS RECORD-LOCKING

One Way : 

Oracle puts locks while performing any DDL or DML operation on oracle tables.When table locks is present on any tables in Oracle we cannot run DDL on those tables.

Some of the locks automatically set by oracle are RS and RX Locks.

SELECT … FOR UPDATE execution results in RS (row share) table lock. When you execute an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE Oracle puts RX (row exclusive) table lock.

We have to kill the session which holds the lock in order to execute further operations. Follow the below steps to kill the session and forcibly unlock the table.

Let’s assume that ‘EMP’ table is locked,


SELECT object_id FROM dba_objects WHERE object_name='EMP';

If there are no locks present for the table ‘EMP’ this query won’t return any values.

SELECT sid FROM v$lock WHERE id1=7401242


SELECT sid, serial# from v$session where sid=3434
SID        SERIAL#
---------- ----------
3434       92193




Once the session is killed you will be able to carry out any DDL activities on EMP table. Also you can check in TOAD if there are any active sessions associated to the SID that we killed, to make sure that the session has been killed.



Also Check : http://aliimmam.com/forms-could-not-reserve-record-2-tries-keep-trying/
Also Check : http://aliimmam.com/lock-tables-and-unlock-tables-syntax/
Note : Please not do make backups before using these queries and also confirm them yourself or by aother means as well. Source : http://www.bluegecko.net/oracle/frm-40501-could-not-reserve-record-2-tries-oracle-apps-record-locking/



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2 Responses to “Locking And Unlocking Tables In Oracle”

  1. aliimmam says:

    select a.SID “Blocking Session”, b.SID “Blocked Session”
    from v$lock a, v$lock b
    where a.SID != b.SID and a.ID1 = b.ID1 and a.ID2 = b.ID2 and
    b.request > 0 and a.block = 1;

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