Posts Tagged ‘Application DBA’

AD ADMIN Utilities

September 17th, 2018, posted in Oracle Queries, Solaris

Oracle application,oracle AdAdmin,Oracle application AdAdmin,oracle apps,oracle apps envirnoment,Oracle DBA,Oracle Application DBA,Oracle Database DBA,Application DBA,Database DBA,AdAdmin


Ad admin is a utility which is used to perform

Login as a Applmgr user:
[applmgr@apps ~]$ adadmin

Preliminary Tasks:

1. Running the environment file.
2. Verifying that ORACLE_HOME set properly.
3. Ensuring that ORACLE_HOME/bin and AD_TOP/bin are in your path.
4. Shutting down the concurrent managers when relinking certain files or performing certain database tasks.
5. Ensuring Sufficient temporary disk space.

Ad administration prompts:
Your default directory is ‘/u01/app/apps/uatappl’.
Is this the correct APPL_TOP [Yes]

Filename [adadmin.log] :

APPL_TOP is set to /u01/app/apps/uatappl

Please enter the batchsize [1000] :

Enter the password for your ‘SYSTEM’ ORACLE schema: manager

Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library [APPS] : apps

Ad admin Log files:

The main AD Administration log file is called adadmin.log by default. This name can be
Changed when starting up AD Administration.

Errors and warnings are listed in the log file

General Applications file menu

There are five functional choices in the generate applications file menu.

1. Generate Message Files:
This task generates message binary files in the $PROD_TOP/mesg directory from oracle application object library tables.

We generally perform this task only when instructed to do so in a readme file of a patch.

2. Generate Form Files:This task generate binary oracle forms file for all installed languages from the form definition files. Extension (*.fmx)

Perform this task whenever we have issue with a form or set forms.

Oracle application uses these binary files to display the data entry forms.

When we choose Generate form files:
It prompts following:

Generate Report files:
This task generates binary report files for all installed languages. Extension of the file name like (*.rdf)

When we choose Generate report files menu, it prompts the following.

Generate Graphics files:
This task generates Oracle graphics files for all installed languages. Extension of the file name like (*.ogd)

The serious of prompts and actions in this task are very similar to the prompts and actions in the Generate form files task.

Generate Product JAR files:
This generate product jar files task prompts
Do you wish to force generation of all jar files? [No]
If we choose No, it only generates JAR (Jave Archive) files that are missing or out of date.
Choose yes for this option when generating JAR files after upgrading the developer technology stack or after updating your Java version.

Maintain Applications Files tasks

Relink Application programs:
This task relinks all your oracle applications binary executables.
Select this task after us:
1. Install new version of the database or a technology stack component.
2. Install an underlying technology component used with oracle applications.
3. Apply a patch to the application technology stack.
4. Apply a patch to the operating systems

These tasks execute AD relink utility. Use AD admin, not the AD relink utility directly, to relink non AD-executables.
Create Applications environment file:
Select this task when you want to:
1. Create an environment file with settings that are different from your current environment file.
2. Recreate an environment file that is missing or currept.

Copy files to destinations:
The copy files to destinations task copies files from each product area to central locations where they can easily referenced by oracle applications.

Use this option to update the java, HTML and media files in the common directories (such as JAVA_TOP, OA_TOP) when users have issues accessing them.

1. Java file are copied to JAVA_TOP
2. HTML files are copied to OAH_TOP
3. Media files are copied to OAM_TOP

Convert Character Set:

1. This task converts the character set of all translatable files in APPL_TOP.
2. You should select this task when changing the base language or adding additional languages to oracle applications
3. You may need to convert database character set and file system character set to one that will support the additional languages.

Maintain snapshot information:

1. This task record details for each file in the APPL_TOP (like file name and file version).
2. They also record summary information’s about patches that have been applied to the APPL_TOP.
3. The maintain snapshot information task stores information about files, file versions and bug fixes present in an APPL_TOP.
4. You must run Maintain snapshot information option once for each APPL_TOP before you apply any patch that contains a “compatible feature prereq” line on that APPL_TOP.

Check for Missing files:

1. The check for missing files task verifies files needed to install, upgrade, or run oracle applications for the current configuration are in the current APPL_TOP.
2. Choose this task if you suspect there are files missing in your APPL_TOP.

Maintain Database Entries tasks:

Validate Apps Schema:

Validate apps schema task run SQL script (advrfapp.sql) against the apps schema to verify the integrity of the schema.
It determines:

1. Problems you must fix(not specific to apps schema)
2. problems you must fix(specific to apps schema)
3. Issues you may want to address(specific to apps schema)
A report called APPSschemaname.lst is produced in APPL_TOP/admin//out.
This report contains information about how to fix the issues. We can find following things by running the Validate Apps schema.

1. Missing or invalid package.
2. Missing or invalid synonyms.
3. Invalid objects in apps schema.

This task is more effective if run:

1. Immediately after an upgrading or applying maintenance pack
2. After a patch is applied.
3. After performing export/import (migration)
4. When doing custom development in the apps schema.

Recreate Grants and Synonyms:

This task recreates grants and synonyms for oracle application public schema (applsyspub)
Recreate grants on some packages from system to apps

Run this task when grants and synonyms are missing from the database. This may occur as a result of
1. Custom development
2. Incomplete database migrations
3. Patches and administrative sessions that failed to run successfully to completion

Maintain multi-lingual tables:

MLS or multilingual support is oracle application’s ability to operate in a multi languages simultaneously. When running Maintain multi-lingual task you can select the number of parallel workers. In generally run during the NLS install and maintenance processes. This task runs the NLINS.sql script for every product. It invokes pl/sql routines that maintain multilingual tables and untranslated rows.

Check Dual Tables:

This task looks for a dual table accessible by oracle applications and ensures the correct grants are set up. If such table not exists or if an existing DUAL table has more than one row, AD administration displays error. If a DUAL table containing only one row exists, AD admin completes successfully.

Maintain multiple reporting currencies:

This option varies depending on whether you currently have multiple reporting currencies (MRC) enabled or not.
If MRC functionality is implemented in your database, the option reads maintain multiple reporting currencies.

Convert to multiple organizations:

To convert in to multiple-org does the following thing:

1. Confirms that you want to run the task
2. Asks for the number of parallel workers
3. Create script to disable and re-enable triggers in the APPS schema
4. Disable all triggers in the apps schema
5. Converts seed data and transaction data to multiple organizations in parallel.
6. Re-enable all previously disabled triggers in the apps schema.

Compile and Reload Database Entries tasks:

Compile Apps Schema:

This task compiles uncompiled program units (pl/sql and java) in the apps schema.
You can perform this task with multiple workers.
When running this task, AD administration prompts,
Run Invoker’s Rights processing in incremental mode [No]?
Type Yes at this prompt to run Invoker Rights processing only on packages that have changed
Since Invoker Rights processing was last run or accept the default to run Invoker Rights
Processing on all packages.
During the upgrade progress.

Compile Menu Information:

This option compiles menu data structures.
Choose this task after uploading menu entries.

It asks if you want to force compilation for all menus,

1. If you choose the default [no] only menus with changes are saved
2. If you enter yes all menus are compiled

Compile flexfield:

Run this task if the readme of a patch indicates that this step should be performed.
Details of the task with a list of compilation status of every flexfield are written to a log file.
The name of the log file is in the format .req. The main AD Administration log file contains the exact name of this log file.

Reload JAR Files to Database:

This option runs the loadjava utility to reload all appropriate oracle applications
JAR files into the database.

Change Maintenance mode:

1. Must be enabled before patching oracle applications
2. Improves patching performance
3. Restricts users access to system
4. Is enabled and disabled using AD administration


Other Ways To Take Trace in Oracle Application

June 16th, 2018, posted in Oracle Queries

Problem sys@standby> startup mount; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 835104768 bytes Fixed Size 2217952 bytes Variable Size 490735648 bytes Database Buffers 335544320 bytes Redo Buffers 6606848 bytes Database mounted. sys@standby> alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect; alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01153: an incompatible media recovery is active Cause This indicates a currently running media recovery process. Action sys@standby> alter database recover managed standby database cancel; sys@standby> alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect; Note When shutting down physical standby database, firstly turn off media recovery process. Otherwise the next time when starting up redo apply again, you will encounter error ORA-01153.

Other Ways To Take Trace in Oracle Application :




SQL> EXEC DBMS_SESSION.set_sql_trace(sql_trace => TRUE);
SQL> EXEC DBMS_SESSION.set_sql_trace(sql_trace => FALSE);

SQL> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 8';
SQL> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context off';

SQL> EXEC DBMS_SYSTEM.set_sql_trace_in_session(sid=>123, serial#=>1234, sql_trace=>TRUE);
SQL> EXEC DBMS_SYSTEM.set_sql_trace_in_session(sid=>123, serial#=>1234, sql_trace=>FALSE);

SQL> EXEC DBMS_SYSTEM.set_ev(si=>123, se=>1234, ev=>10046, le=>8, nm=>' ');


Oracle EBS Find Where Debug Is On

May 15th, 2018, posted in Oracle Queries

Oracle EBS Find Where Debug Is On

If you have Debug is on at Site level then it will Impact the performance of the Instance, here is the script which will help you to quickly check your EBS Instance if ‘Debug’ is on (all level) of the EBS.


set linesize 160
col CONTEXT for a30
col VALUE for a30
col NAME for a30
SELECT po.profile_option_name "NAME",
'10001', 'SITE',
'10002', 'APP',
'10003', 'RESP',
'10005', 'SERVER',
'10006', 'ORG',
'10004', 'USER', '???') "LEV",
'10001', '',
'10002', app.application_short_name,
'10003', rsp.responsibility_key,
'10005', svr.node_name,
'10004', usr.user_name,
'???') "CONTEXT",
pov.profile_option_value "VALUE"
fnd_user usr,
fnd_application app,
fnd_responsibility rsp,
fnd_nodes svr,
hr_operating_units org
WHERE po.user_profile_option_name like '%Debug%'
AND pov.profile_option_value='Y'
AND pov.application_id = po.application_id
AND pov.profile_option_id = po.profile_option_id
AND usr.user_id (+) = pov.level_value
AND rsp.application_id (+) = pov.level_value_application_id
AND rsp.responsibility_id (+) = pov.level_value
AND app.application_id (+) = pov.level_value
AND svr.node_id (+) = pov.level_value
AND org.organization_id (+) = pov.level_value;

Sample ouptut:


NAME                           USER_PROFILE_OPTION_NAME       LEV      CONTEXT                        VALUE
---------------------------    ----------------------------   ------   ---------------------------    ---------------
AFLOG_ENABLED                  FND: Debug Log Enabled         USER     SA-USER1                       Y
FND_CONC_ALLOW_DEBUG           Concurrent: Allow Debugging    RESP     XXXX_CE_SUP_MY-MYR-GE          Y
PRINT_DEBUG                    FA: Print Debug                USER     SA-USER2                       Y
PO_SET_DEBUG_WORKFLOW_ON       PO: Set Debug Workflow ON      USER     SA-USER3                       Y
PA_DEBUG_MODE                  PA: Debug Mode                 USER     SA-USER4                       Y
SO_DEBUG                       OE: Debug                      SITE                                    Y
MSC_JAVA_DEBUG                 MSC: Enable Java Debug         SITE                                    Y
7 rows selected.

Find Concurrent Manager Jobs By Query

May 6th, 2018, posted in Oracle Queries

Query :


select sess.sid,
 oracle_process_id OS_PROCESS_ID,
 fusr.description user_name ,
 fcp.user_concurrent_program_name progName,
 to_char(actual_Start_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') StartDate,
 request_id RequestId,
 (sysdate - actual_start_date)*24*60 ETime_in_Mins
from apps.fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
 apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcp,
 apps.fnd_user fusr,
 v$session sess
where fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcr.concurrent_program_id
 and fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id
 and fcp.language = 'US'
 and fcr.phase_code = 'R'
 and fcr.status_code = 'R'
 and fcr.requested_by = fusr.user_id
 and fcr.oracle_session_id = sess.audsid (+)
-- and p.addr = sess.paddr
 order by 6 DESC

Installation Steps Of OAF or JDeveloper

May 7th, 2017, posted in Oracle, Windows

If you want to do some OAF Development in JDeveloper for the first time, you will need to do the following things.

1] Download JDeveloper Patch

Based on your instance release level, check out the version of JDeveloper to use using below link.

You can identify the OA Framework version in your instance by activating diagnostics and click the “About This Page” from any OAF page. Click the “Technology Components” tab. The OA Framework version in the top row of the table can then be matched to the JDeveloper Patch.

Download the JDeveloper Patch.

You can also use this query to find about your version :
SELECT release_name FROM fnd_product_groups;

2] Extract the JDeveloper patch in a directory say D:\DevSuiteHome_1\jdev

The patch actually contains below three directories

  • jdevbin – Includes an extended version of the Oracle JDeveloper 10g executable and OA Framework class libraries.
  • jdevhome – Includes the OA Framework Toolbox Tutorial source and developer working area.
  • jdevdoc – Contains documentation.

Installation Steps Of OAF or JDeveloper,Oracle DBA,Apps DBA,Application DBA,Oracle Installation,Installation of OAF,Installation JDeveloper

3] Define an environment variable

Define an environment variable JDEV_USER_HOME for your local machine. This has to be set to jdevhome\jdev directory. In above example it has to be D:\DevSuiteHome_1\jdev\jdevhome\jdev.

My Computer Properties Advanced tab Environment Variables New


Value: D:\DevSuiteHome_1\jdev\jdevhome\jdev

Installation Steps Of OAF or JDeveloper,Oracle DBA,Apps DBA,Application DBA,Oracle Installation,Installation of OAF,Installation JDeveloper,environment file,windows environment file

4] Create the shortcut of jdevW

Their you will find jdev and jdevW icons. The jdev is for UNIX environment and jdevW is for Windows environment.
Create the shortcut of jdevW. And send to desktop

Installation Steps Of OAF or JDeveloper,Oracle DBA,Apps DBA,Application DBA,Oracle Installation,Installation of OAF,Installation JDeveloper

Also can be check by this :

4] Move the DBC file

After creating the environment veriable we have to move the DBC file from Oracle Apps fnd top to jDeveloper patch.

Here we are using WinScp which connects to the server from our desktop system.
After finding where exactly the DBC file located go to that particular path and copy the DBC file.

After copying, in your desktop system go to
Jdevhome–> jdev–> dbc_files–> secure
Here we will not find any files or documents the folder is empty now we need to paste the DBC file which we copied from the Oracle Apps Instance Server.

5] Now Test Database

After moving the DBC file now open the JDeveloper and create the Data Base Connection.

After opening the file it will ask for Configure File Type Associations, on check box check all the available types to associate with JDeveloper.

Go to Connections tab after that Right Click on Data Base folder and then select New Database Connection…


2 3 4 5

6] Set The Default Project Properties

After creating the DataBase Connections, Set the default project properties.

Go to Tools -> Default Project Properties



In that select Runtime connection, adjust the runtime connection information, necessary for the database and Oracle E-Business Suite.

Brows the DBC file from the jDeveloper patch where we moved from the server.
(Jdevhome–> jdev–> dbc_files–> secure)

Username: The user name is Oracle Apps instance User Name
Password:  Password is Oracle Apps instance Password.

Application Short Name: In which application u want to run give the Application Short Name of that application.
Responsibility key: Responsibility key of that application short name.

 Application DBA, APPS DBA, Installation JDeveloper, Installation of OAF, Installation Steps Of OAF or JDeveloper, Oracle DBA, Oracle Installation
