After setting up of Accounts Receivable (AR) Module. Create Accounting some times completes with warning message “The application accounting definition Multi-Fund Account Receivables Accrual – Balancing Method owned by Oracle is not validated. Please validate the application accounting definition or update the application accounting definitions contained in the subledger accounting method Encumbrance Accrual.”
This warning message we can find in Log file of the concurrent program
To overcome this issue go to AR Resposibility and Run Concurrent Program “Validate Application Accounting Definitions“.
You can identify that all the Application Accounting Definition Validated by checking the Out put file of the concurrent program.
Go to AR Invoice and try to do create accounting. Now Create Accounting concurrent program gets Completes Normal.
Tags: Application Accounting Definitions, APPS DBA, concurrent program, Create Accounting, Create Accounting concurrent program, ERP, How To Validate Application Accounting Definitions, Oracle, Oracle Application, Oracle Apps, Oracle DBA, oracle erp, Oracle erp application, Oracle Forms, Validate Application Accounting Definitions, Validate ERP Application Accounting Definitions