Posts Tagged ‘Oracle Apps’

Retrieve Forgotten Apps Password in Oracle EBS R12

February 20th, 2023, posted in Oracle Queries
I am going to share steps to retrieve the password in Oracle Apps.
But no guarantee that it will work on all EBS version. It was tested on R12.2.3.


1: log in to the database server with sys user
 sqlplus / as sysdba
2: Create Function to decrypt the encrypted password
SQL> create FUNCTION apps.decrypt_pin_func(in_chr_key IN VARCHAR2,in_chr_encrypted_pin IN VARCHAR2)
return java.lang.String’;
3 : Query for Encrypted password


 ——————————————————————————–  ZG37E123746712BDB2D99E048FE44AE662F2713E2EDB443391BABA0414CADDB7A2E6DD45BBAFA7270A663E5EEBA837F5548A
4: Past the Encrypted password from the above query output into the below query and execute
SELECT apps.decrypt_pin_func
from dual;


5: Test apps password is working or not
 SQL> conn apps/oralce123;

What Is The Difference Between 11i And R12 In Oracle Apps

September 25th, 2022, posted in Oracle

1) Consist of 3C
2) No concept of MOAC.
3) Major table changes like po_vendors.
4) Banks are created in Account Payables.
5) Ap_Invoices_lines_all table in finance is not there.

1) Consist of 4C
2) Introduction of MOAC( Multi org access control)
3) Major table changes (Ap_suppliers)
4) Banks are created in Cash Management.
5) Subledger Accounting is not there.
5) Ap_invoices_lines_all is there.
6) Subledger Accounting is there.


Workflow Notification Mailer Setup in Oracle Apps R12/12i

May 16th, 2021, posted in Oracle EBS Application

On popular demand from readers, I am going to cover Workflow Notification Mailer in Oracle Applications R12/12i.
Workflow notification mailer setup in R12 is similar to 11i ( In both release 11i (OWF.H and higher in 11i) & R12 are Java Mailer)
* Previous version of Notification Mailer in 11i was based on C also called as C Mailer

Things To Note :
1. You use Oracle Application Manager (OAM) to configure Workflow Notification Mailer.
2. There are two kind of Notification (Outbound & Inbound) in Workflow Mailer
3. For Outbound Notification, CM (Concurrent Manager) node should be able to connect to SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server/relay.
4. For Inbound Notification (Optional), CM node should be able to connect to IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) Server.
5. Log file for Workflow Mailer Notification are at $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/FNDC*.txt
6. Workflow Notification Mailer in background run as Concurrent Manager (Workflow Mailer ServiceWorkflow Agent Listener Service)
7. If you don’t wish to send mail notification to end user (from Dev/Test instance) then configure Test Address in configuration screen.

Step to configure Workflow Notification Mailer :

1. Login to Apps R12 with System Administrator Reponsibility
2. under Workflow : Oracle Applications Manager click on Workflow Manager

oracle apps,Oracle dba,Oracle application,oracle mail apps dba,

If this is first time you are configuring Workflow Notification Mailer in Oracle Apps R12/12i you will see Notification Mailers as unavailable as shown in screenshot

Click on Notification Mailers


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In next screen (as shown below, click on Edit Button)

oracle apps,Oracle dba,Oracle application,oracle mail apps dba,

Here you have option to select Inbound notification setup or Just outgoing Notification Setup.

oracle apps,Oracle dba,Oracle application,oracle mail apps dba,


Provide SMTP Server Name (ensure that CM node should be able to connect to SMTP Server or SMTP Relay)


oracle apps,Oracle dba,Oracle application,oracle mail apps dba,


Uncheck Inbound Processing (from above screen), if you don’t wish to configure Inbound Notification Mailer.

If you wish to configure Inbound Notification as well then ensure IMAP Server should be configured with a valid user (create InboxProcessed Discard folder for this User)

Click on Apply button to finish configuration, at this stage Notification Mailer will test SMTP Server & IMAP Server connectivity.

For Advanced setup, click on Advanced at top right of configuration screen.

Metalink Notes for Notification Mailer
1. 453137.1 Oracle Workflow Best Practices Release 12 and Release 11i
2. 274764.1 Oracle Workflow Cartridge Workflow Java Mailer Setup Test
3. 433359.1 Tracking Workflow Notification Event Messages
4. 456921.1 Queries Related to Alert and Mailer Integration Post RUP4
5. 454706.1 How to Stop mails from Workflow Notification Mailer


Change Allowed In Items Primary UOM in Oracle EBS R12.2.9 And Higher Versions

December 1st, 2020, posted in Oracle EBS Application

Allowed to change Item’s Primary UOM in Oracle EBS R12.2.9 and higher versions


Prior to Oracle EBS R12.2.9, Item’s Primary Unit Of Measure(UOM) can be selected only at the time of item creation and cannot be updated once the item is saved.

There is a new feature added in Oracle EBS 12.2.9 latest version, where it is allowed change item’s primary UOM after the item is created When no transactions exist like material transactions, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Work Orders, Onhand etc.,

Item’s UOM won’t be updated if there are transactions or related records exists. This is to Maintain data Integrity and avoid corruption.

  1. Creating “VM TEST” master item with primary uom as Each.

oracle application,oracle ebs,oracle master item,oracle inventory master items,oracle apps dba

2. Extending “VM TEST” item to M1 inventory org.

oracle application,oracle ebs,oracle master item,oracle inventory master items,oracle apps dba

3. Query “VM TEST” item in M1 inventory org.

oracle application,oracle ebs,oracle master item,oracle inventory master items,oracle apps dba

Initially the item is created with primary UOM as “Each”. This item is newly created and there are no transactions exist.

4. Change primary uom from EACH to EA in the master item form ( primary UOM is master controlled item attribute) -> A concurrent request will be submitted when UOM is changed and saved.

oracle application,oracle ebs,oracle master item,oracle inventory master items,oracle apps dba

5. It runs “EGO Spreadsheet Java Concurrent Program” process and completes normal when the UOM is changed.

oracle application,oracle ebs,oracle master item,oracle inventory master items,oracle apps dba,EGO Spreadsheet Java Concurrent Program

Note: The concurrent program will have error like below if there are any transactions exists.

ERROR MESSAGE : You cannot update UOM field when the inventory transactions exist in current or one of child orgs.

6. Re-Query “VM TEST” in the organization items form for M1 inventory org. You can see that primary UOM is changed to EA

oracle application,oracle ebs,oracle master item,oracle inventory master items,oracle apps dba,UOM is changed
