Allowed to change Item’s Primary UOM in Oracle EBS R12.2.9 and higher versions
Prior to Oracle EBS R12.2.9, Item’s Primary Unit Of Measure(UOM) can be selected only at the time of item creation and cannot be updated once the item is saved.
There is a new feature added in Oracle EBS 12.2.9 latest version, where it is allowed change item’s primary UOM after the item is created When no transactions exist like material transactions, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Work Orders, Onhand etc.,
Item’s UOM won’t be updated if there are transactions or related records exists. This is to Maintain data Integrity and avoid corruption.
- Creating “VM TEST” master item with primary uom as Each.
2. Extending “VM TEST” item to M1 inventory org.
3. Query “VM TEST” item in M1 inventory org.
Initially the item is created with primary UOM as “Each”. This item is newly created and there are no transactions exist.
4. Change primary uom from EACH to EA in the master item form ( primary UOM is master controlled item attribute) -> A concurrent request will be submitted when UOM is changed and saved.
5. It runs “EGO Spreadsheet Java Concurrent Program” process and completes normal when the UOM is changed.
Note: The concurrent program will have error like below if there are any transactions exists.
ERROR MESSAGE : You cannot update UOM field when the inventory transactions exist in current or one of child orgs.
6. Re-Query “VM TEST” in the organization items form for M1 inventory org. You can see that primary UOM is changed to EA
Tags: EGO Spreadsheet Java Concurrent Program, Java Concurrent Program, master items in oracle, Oracle Application, Oracle Apps, Oracle DBA, Oracle EBS, Oracle EBS R12.2.9, oracle inventory