RC-50004: Error occurred in CloneContext – Target System Domain Name in
adcfgclone.pl dbTechStack :
Target System Domain Name : worths.co.za RC-50004: Error occurred in CloneContext: null Check Clone Context logfile /ebsdbprd_app/oracle/product/ebsdbprd/db/tech_st/11.2.0/appsutil/clone/bin/CloneContext_0418120037.log for details. ERROR: Context creation not completed successfully. For additional details review the file /tmp/adcfgclone_4849738.err if present.
Solution :
Ensure that your hostname is fully populated in the /etc/hosts file
Not like this:
3 $ grep ebsdbprdp7 /etc/hosts ebsdbprdp7 w@ebsdbprdp7:/ 4 $
Should look like this
3 $ grep ebsdbprdp7 /etc/hosts ebsdbprdp7.domain.co.za ebsdbprdp7 w@ebsdbprdp7:/ 4 $
Tags: adcfgclone.pl, adcfgclone.pl dbTechStack, adcfgclone.pl dbTechStack RC-50004 Error occurred in CloneContext Target System Domain Name, apps error, APPS-domain-50004, clone error, database, database error, database oracle error, DBA, Error, Ora Error, Oracle, Oracle Apps, Oracle APPs DBA, oracle clone error, Oracle Database, Oracle DBA, oracle error, Oracle ERRORS, RC-50004, RC-50004 Error, RC-50004 Error.RC-50004, Target System Domain Name
hello, I have the same error while apps post clone, I checked the hosts file and it is fine
Is you issue been resolved yet or not ?
and sorry for late reply…