Archive for March, 2011


March 7th, 2011, posted in GiRLs, LoVE, Scarface'S DIARY

( i wil keep updating dis part each day…so keep checking dis 1…cuz dere is always sumthng wht u 4get 2 tell abt hER…so….keep checking it 4 de update every week.. )

i believe every GuY in dis world lvs 1 GiRL…1 tht GiRL…which make HiS world go rocking…
n 2day i m gonna tel yaa abt tht GiRL…
dis 1 is abt de GiRL whom u lv MAdLY n bAdLY…but ShE always shows tht ShE HAtEs yaa…n u r nothing but just hER combination of all hER hate in de world… ;D


but de thng is tht ShE never gets..
u knw n ShE also knw tht u dnt hAtE each other in real…
but stil HAtE eachother.. ;D

But lv like tht u can imagine but cannt live without…
its like u cannt live with or without hER.. 😉 each day u feel more n more lv 4 hER…not matter weather its day or night..


its hot sunny day..or cool winter nights…..u r awake or sleeping…
when ShE says uR name…u realize tht yup….thts uR name…like tht..n u love hER voice when ShE say uR name…n u sing…tht`s mY name…tht`s mY name…

Its like tht u always wanna c uRSELf  in dose bEAUTiFUL eyes…
its like…tht 4 hER only u want 2 b every single point….u became soo soo jealous n…n whts tht word..yea…obsessed….naa naa….i just couldnt remember tht word….but its like.. u call hER…n ShE is talking or mayb chatting with sum1…n tht person is getting hER attention n ShE aint listening 2 u wht yaa saying…n after awhile ShE says 2 yaa…how abt if i call ya back…n u just says yes…but dan u just want 2 kill tht person cuz tht person had uR whole world…n worse thng is tht uR world is attracted 2 it….it just makes u go nutts…u just wish tht u had gun n put all de bullets on tht person….
n yet stil tht KAAttOU RANi says 2 u…tht u dnt bother abt hER in anyway….

Another thng tht wil make yaa angry n upset all de tym….when uR KAAttOU RANi wil say 2 doznt matter 2 hER…dznt bother hER…MUJhE faarq nahi pardhta….tUM GEo YAa MArOu MUJhE faarq nahi pardtha….means ShE says 2 dznt matters 2 hER tht u live or die…it dznt matters 2 hER….

Another property of KAAttOU RANi is tht….ShE would lv u…but wont trust u..tht wil make u even more sick…ShE dont realize tht fact of de world tht lv and trust r like 2 birds…which r sitting on de branch…if 1 flies other 1 flies along with…
even u hv told hER abt everythng…even u tell hER tht wht u hv done in de past…n wht r u doing right now…yet stil if any !tCH oR tARd wil come n tel hER sumthng abt u…ShE wont bother 2 ask u…just wil shed tears…do wrng thngs….gv pain 2 hERSELf…but wont bother 2 ask u….n when u realize tht sumthng is wrng..n ask hER…ShE stil wont tel yaa….
ShE would tel de whole world abt de issue…but never ever wil tel u…n even if ShE wil tel yaa…it would b so late…but when u came 2 knw abt it in de end…ShE tels yaa de whole story…but didnt realize tht if hE wanted 2 do tht hE could had done tht…but yet stil ShE dnt thinks abt it…though ShE would think abt every unnecessary thngs..but not abt tht….n it gets more worse…..when u ask u think tht i hv done dat…ShE says…i dnt knw…ShE dnt knw…how could ShE dont knw abt it..?? could ShE…??…yet stil u lv hER…u lv hER every bit u hv in u….

Among hER many other property…dere is another property…tht ShE give up on…like 4 xample..if u smoke..ShE wil always says 2 yaa…dnt SMOkE…dont SMOkE..dnt SMOkE…n wht u do..??….u keep smoking …n smoking…n smoking…but ShE didnt realize tht u lv when ShE says 2 u dnt smoke…at tht moment u just want 2 remove tht cigarette 4m uR lips n through it away 4m uR hand…but at de same tym…n want hER hand in uR hands….uR fingers grbbing hER fingers…n want hER 2 gv a kiss 2 u on uR cheek.. ;)…but ShE dnt realize tht…n wht does ShE do…ShE stop telling yaa…n when u start smoking back again..ShE says u said tht u had stop smoking dan y u started it back…dan u again make hER realize tht u had left smoking only n just only 4 hER….yet stil she dnt say 2 u again dnt smoke…even though u hv told hER tht u wont smoke as long as ShE gvs yaa kisses every 4 hours….yet stil ShE dnt….infact de worse thng is tht ShE says u dnt listen 2 mE…thts y i had stop telling yaa…so…it means tht ShE had gave up on u…n yet stil u lv hER….u stil lv hER…;p

Because of hER absense
u r iNCOMPLEtE..u feel like nothng is all goOd…sumthng is missing….n u just dnt knw wht it is…though u knw wht it really is…its like…u r doing 1 thng…dan get up set n move 2 do another thng…n dan leave it…n keep doing it..til u get hER msg…hEr call…or sumthng like tht…dan only u knws…its like u would just call hER 2 say tht i lv u KAAttOU… ;D

u r iNSECURe..
always wondering tht ShE never trust yaa…when-ever u ask hER…no matter wht tym…tht does ShE tRUSt u…ShE would simply say…no i dont….n tht makes u 2 break in2 so many pieces…u tell whole world..whole freakish world tht ShE is de 1…ShE is uR KAAtOU RANi….n ShE would always says tht ShE hAtES yaa….n u stil lv hER…

u r SCAREd fOR hER…
not cuz of uRSELf..but 4 hER…is ShE ok…is ShE f9….n when SUNSHiNES in de morning u check uR mob or msg or email…2 check weather ShE has msg yaa or not..n when ShE dont u r so soo sad …so soo upset…flustrated…tht u get irritateted…n dnt knw wht 2 do….

u r LoNELY without hER…
nothing interest yaa…u cannt concentrate on anythng…everythng u does make yaa feel no goOd…its just u began 2 HAtE uRSELf….u loses uR identity without hER…its like..been away 4m everythng….when-ever ShE is sad u become more n more upset…n just 2 cheer hER up…u do every possible thngs u can…but ShE dont understand tht…u talk 2 hER on uR papers night when even u knw tht u hv paper in de morning….n dont gv a shit 2 it…cuz ShE is upset…or ShE wants 2 talk with yaa…or dere is sumthng up with hER LiFE…n when u ask hER tht does ShE lv yaa….ShE would say no…u r just mY FRiEND…n guess wht…u stil LoVE hER…. ; }

For uR KAttOU RANi
u wil b a bETTER MAN..
u wil leave all uR bAd habbits…wil totally change uRSELf….wil do goOd deeds..become a nice person…just each day u wil try 2 become more n more perfect 4 hER…
u wil share everything u hv…
tel hER everythng….n just wil tel everythng so easily…but stil…stil ShE  dnt believe yaa… 😀
u wil care abt everything…
every little thing u can think of…u even hAtE when de wind is 2 much n is blowing on hER fACE..u HAtE when sun is heating 2 much on de sky at hER…
u wil accept uR flaws…
n try 2 correct dem…n ignore all hER flaws…n just lv hER…no matter how
many big mistakes ShE make…
no matter how big de blunder is u stil lv hER…even though u tel hER tht u de
KiNG n ShE is de QUEeN…de one n only QuEeN…ShE is de PRECiOUS
in uR CRoWN.. n u cherish hER more n more each day..
n wht does ShE do…
and ShE says…it doznt matters 2 hER (ouss ko koi farq nahi pardhta)..
ShE take away de PREiCOUS JEWEL
throw uR CRoWN away…
make u lose uR KiNGDOM…n u hv nothng left…. just simply nuthng at all…
no JEWEL..
no CRoWN
no KINGdOM….
nothng is left in or with u…
n wht-ever is left in u…u sil lv hER...

each tym even u hv lost uR CRoWN…uR KiNGdOM…u tel hER tht u lv hER…but it doznt matters hER… 🙁

u had told hER…
never ever 2 lie 2 hER abt anythng…
but wht ShE does…
ShE lies 2 u…

ShE break all de rules u told hER 2 follow…n u stil lv hER..but now u hvnt stop telling tht 2 hER….u hv just simply paused it…. ;D

And u dont get hER…or u dnt hv links 2 hER…Its just meeting hER iS uR FAtE….Doing FLiRT wz a choice….but falling lv…falling in lv with hER…more n more n more…n little more…
and tht nt cuz u want 2 win hER…or win over hER…or dere is EGO issue or anything like tht…no no…its bcuz u realize tht ShE is de 1…ShE is dE KAAttOU RANi…uR KAAttOU RANi… ; ]

n when u hv hER…
u feel complete…
u  r just simply HAPPY… 😉

without here…
u r nuthng…
just totally loser…

now u dnt tel hER tht u lv hER  n  tht u wil mean it evrytym…
now u wil SMiLE n CrY…n LAUGh MAdLY…
cuz now u hv all grown CRAzY…

And the funny thing is that..
Maybe ShE loves yaa as well…but wont accpet that fact…. and would love to burn in uR LoVE…but still…wont accpet the facts…you tell hER…you CuddLE hER…you do everything as much as possible..and ShE dont just listen to you…no matter what you do ShE dont listen to you and just prefer to burn….just prefer to hurt hER OWNSELf…wont realizing that ShE is not only burning but its YoU who is dying….

cuz mayb now u knw..
KAAttOU RANi means de 1 who wil bite yaa…
n ShE does tht
n u stil lv hER.…;)


Happy Birthday Auila

March 7th, 2011, posted in DAtEs iN a YeAR, GiRLs

HappyBirthday Aulia,Happy,Birthday, Aulia,HappyBirthday,Aulia, aulia perviaz akhtar, Birthday, chaudhry, chaudhry aulia perviaz akhtar, happy, HappyBirthday, HappyBirthday Aulia, perviaz akhtar,happy birthday aulia
