Archive for the ‘Death Note’ Category

Why One Should Read

August 4th, 2024, posted in Death Note, Islamic Teachings, MESSAGEs

Beware Of Rushing Into Anything Without Guidance

May 10th, 2019, posted in Death Note, Islamic Teachings, Words


Be patient.
Beware of rushing into anything without guidance,
for if you win the argument today,
you may lose it tomorrow !!


Sometimes About The Satisfaction

February 4th, 2019, posted in Death Note, MESSAGEs, Scarface'S DIARY

You know,the satisfaction,cannt find the satisfaction,satisfaction,Sometimes you work so hard,work so hard,work hard,

Sometimes you work so hard to accomplish something that when you get there.. you cann’t find the satisfaction in it.
You know ?


Mans Big Plan By Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)

November 15th, 2018, posted in Death Note, Islamic Teachings, MESSAGEs, Saying Of Holy Prophet ( P.B.U.H)

Islam,islamic teaching,muslims,muslim,Allah,Only Allah,islamic teachings,islam teachs,comic,comics,sufi comics,Islamic Sayings,Islamic Saying,Saying of Holy Prophet (SAW),Saying of HolyProphet,Saying of Holy Prophet,Mans-big-plans-Sufi-Comics,Mans big plans,


Prophet (SAW) took three sticks and set one of them in front of him, another one next to it, and the third far away from the two. He then asked, ‘Do you know what this is?’ to which they replied, ‘Allah and His Messenger know better.’ He said, ‘This one is man, and this is death [next to it], while that one is expectation, which man entertains [about his long life], but death falls upon him prior to his expectation.


Just Saying What They Thought

August 18th, 2018, posted in Death Note, Scarface'S DIARY

Hakenkreuz,swastika,german,nazi,Nazi symbolism,symbolism,think about it,think,just think,swastika flag ,hope and change,see no evil
