I just can’t write until I am really inspired by something… And best part is that I can make mYSELf inspired by manythng…cause you can learn fron anythng…. ; }….I know my posts are not that awesome but still I want to feel something when I read them again in life…. 🙂
Anyway… This post is about how life surprised me at different stages….It is not something unique…I am sure all of you have been through same stages but with different experiences….Though  I have mostly n usually talked about love before because I have seen so many post with same meaning and different words in almost every place…weather its blog…faceboOk…twitter…whatever it is….
And on the other hand I was not even sure if I know what it really means…People name anything love like addiction…obsession…habit etc….I don’t know what it really is but one thing which I have learned so far is that it is selfless and its about trust…….You are willing to do anything….just to see smile on the face of the you love….It gives us confidence and power to stand up for ourselves….Sadly….we often take that for granted…e.g. a child loves his parents madly and parents impose their beliefs on him…just because they know that he will have to listen to them…..Similarly….sometimes children take their parents for granted….We do anything and accept our parents to forgive us because they love us…..And same thing goes on from friends to lover to wife and so on….
Where is selflessness then ??…Do we stop loving when we get sure that other person will never leave us now ?? Oh no they change their status to ITS COMPLICATED.. Is it really complicated ??… I guess its we who certainly change our definition of love with time….
Lately I am observing things more closely…and I have learnt that our surroundings has very deep affect on our actions…. We modify our lives with time on the basis of what we see others are doing….I mean our brought ups create some existing beliefs in our mind about things we yet have to experience….and thus we act…and expect others to act in same way….
I know its too philosophical…but if you guys think about it…for a while…then uwill realize that how right i am….Like If I see my elder acting with my parents in a particular way….I do same because for me that is how I am suppose to act…..And thus we ignore the other possible aspects of relationships….Yeah that’s one of the reason why we have problem adjusting with new people….  ; ]
So what to do if you are in that situation ???… Give yourself time…. and try to accept the differences….You don’t have to change yourself…but try to blend in….I guess time and acceptance will solve all your problems…..
So you can say that relationship is as complicated as you want it to be….Once you try to observe closely…and understand other person….you will notice how easy it is to get along with anyone…no matter how different you guys are….
So….GoOD luck with that thought… 😉