Archive for the ‘TEChNoLoGY’ Category

Steps to Kill Long Running Concurrent Job in R12

July 8th, 2024, posted in Oracle Queries
update fnd_concurrent_requests
set status_code='X', phase_code='C'
where request_id=2063673;


update fnd_concurrent_requests
set status_code='E', phase_code='C'
where request_id=2063673;


“Could not find main class” error while previewing BI Publisher for Word

June 26th, 2024, posted in Oracle, Windows

ORA-01552: cannot use system rollback segment for non-system tablespace ‘TEMP’

April 15th, 2024, posted in Oracle Queries
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
alter system set undo_management=auto scope=spfile;
2) Restart the database.
SQL> Shutdown immediate;
SQL> startup

ORA-27037: Unable To Obtain File Status

February 4th, 2024, posted in Oracle Queries
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of backup plus archivelog command at 12/24/2023 09:23:19
RMAN-06059: expected archived log not found, lost of archived log compromises recoverability
ORA-19625: error identifying file /u03/archive2/1_4134_983485279.dbf
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
SVR4 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3

This ORA-19625 errors are related with file specified as input to a copy or backup operation, or as the target for an incremental restore, could not be identified as an Oracle file. An OS-specific error accompanies this error to help pinpoint the problem.
To solve this error, Specify an different file and retry the operation.
Try to run the following commands.

RMAN> crosscheck copy of archivelog all
RMAN> crosscheck archivelog all
RMAN> resync catalog
RMAN> delete force obsolete;
RMAN> delete expired archivelog all ;

If the problem is not solved,then Files were deleted at OS level and Archive log files were deleted at OS level. To solve this error, Run the following commands.

RMAN> Change archivelog '' UNCATALOG ;

Please note the first archive log name would be present in the error message ORA-19625:
For example :-

RMAN-06059: expected archived log not found, lost of archived log
ORA-19625: error identifying file /var/opt/arch_oltp28_1_744738.arc
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
RMAN> Change archivelog '/var/opt/arch_oltp28_1_744738.arc' uncatalog;

Run the archive log backup command check if you still get the error
Keeping specify the archive log file name reported in ORA-19625 till backup of archive log goes fine

RMAN> Change Archivelog all Uncatalog ;

Please note the above command will uncatalog the information about the Archive log from catalog database.


Error: Your “crontab” on unexpected end of line. This entry has been ignored

January 20th, 2024, posted in Linux OS, Uncategorized

Everytime you edit your crontabe file, the error “Your “crontab” on <server> unexpected end of line. This entry has been ignored” is sent to the users email. This happens if there is a blank line in your crontab file.

For instance, in the following crontab file there is a blank line between the last two cron jobs.

root@sunsolaris# crontab -l
# The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection.
# The rtc command is run to adjust the real time clock if and when
# daylight savings time changes.
10 1 * * 0,4 /etc/cron.d/logchecker
10 2 * * 0  /usr/lib/newsyslog
15 3 * * 0 /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind

30 4 * * * /usr/local/bin/disk_check,sh

To resolve the problem edit the crontab file and look for the blank line and delete the line. In the above, after editing the crontab, it should look lie the follows:

root@sunsolaris# crontab -l
# The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection.
# The rtc command is run to adjust the real time clock if and when
# daylight savings time changes.
10 1 * * 0,4 /etc/cron.d/logchecker
10 2 * * 0  /usr/lib/newsyslog
15 3 * * 0 /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind
30 4 * * * /usr/local/bin/disk_check,sh

You can see the  blank line removed from the crontab file.
