Archive for February, 2017

How To Upload Excel/Text File Data Into Oracle Table Using TOAD

February 27th, 2017, posted in Oracle, Windows

n this we will explain how to put Excel or text file data into an Oracle table. You can do this easily in SQL Server with a Copy (Ctrl+C) of the data from Excel then open the target table into edit mode and Paste (Ctrl+V). Done.

But this will not work in Oracle.

In an Oracle database you can do it using the import command. I will show you each and every step with snapshots.

Step 1 : Open TOAD.

Step 2 : Write the following query to create a test table:

  1. Create table TESTTABLE
  2. (
  3. NAME varchar2(20),
  4. Address varchar2(100),
  5. RollNo integer
  6. )

Step 3 : Now my table is ready. It’s time to create the data in an Excel file.

Step 4 : Go to Database -> Import -> Table Data.

Step 5 : Select the table you want to import the Excel data to.

Step 6 : Click on show data. Now execute the data button to enable the use. Click on that.

Step 7 : After clicking on Execute Wizard the following screen will open:

Next ->

Step 8 : Now, browse to your Excel file – > Next ->

Next ->

Step 9 : Choose the sheet and click on AutoMap. The AutoMap button will automatically bind your Excel sheet column data with the Oracle table column.

Next ->

Next ->

Here your Excel data has been bound with the table columns. Next ->

Step 10 : Click on Execute to finish the process. It may ask for sheet selection. Click on Okay with the desired sheet.

Here is your uploaded data:

Step 11 : Commit the Task by clicking on the commit button.

Using the preceding procedure you can easily import Excel data. You can also import text flat files data. All steps are nearly the same. The only change is the following step. In this import I need to choose the separator for the flat file. Apart from any separators you can use fixed width. In the attached example I used a comma separator.

I think the procedure is very clear with snapshots. If you have found any mistake in concept, please do comment.

Your comments will make me perfect in the future.

Thanks for reading.



Wolverines Most Important Lesson To X23

February 25th, 2017, posted in COMiCS, MARVEL, Scarface'S DIARY

Wolverines Most Important Lesson To X23,Wolverines, Most Important Lesson To X23,Wolverine,Important,Wolverines X23,MArvel Comics,Comic,Logan

Wolverines Most Important Lesson To X23,Wolverines, Most Important Lesson To X23,Wolverine,Important,Wolverines X23,MArvel Comics,Comic,Logan Wolverines Most Important Lesson To X23,Wolverines, Most Important Lesson To X23,Wolverine,Important,Wolverines X23,MArvel Comics,Comic,Logan Wolverines Most Important Lesson To X23,Wolverines, Most Important Lesson To X23,Wolverine,Important,Wolverines X23,MArvel Comics,Comic,Logan


Harley Quinn Poison Ivy and Catwoman Play Truth And Dare

February 22nd, 2017, posted in Art, COMiCS, GiRLs

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If I Was A Famous Author

February 20th, 2017, posted in fUNNY, Scarface'S DIARY

If I Was A Famous Author,Author,Writter,Book,Funny,Evil Plan,Evil,I am so evil


Reidi Gul – Lyrics and Translation

February 18th, 2017, posted in LYRiCS

Reidi Gul - Lyrics and Translation,pashto song,Reidi Gul pashto song,Reidi Gul Lyrics,Reidi Gul Lyrics Translation,,Reidi Gul Translation,Ghani Khan,

Detailed Structure and Pashto Lyrics of Reidi Gul


Yawa wraze yao Sahra ke pa khkaar ootay wam rawan

Yo Gulab me walar olid prakeda, khaista khanda


Verse 1:

Yawa wraze yao Sahra k pa khkaar ootay wam rawan

Yao Gulab me walar olid prakeda, khaista khanda


Za khafa ye khwa la laram, ma wayl ‘Aaah zama pashan

ta hum gul ye bad-naseeba, ruk da zulfo da janan’

Na da cha nyazbinay gutay naram makh la ba de yaosi

Na ba khkul de ki sray shunday, da yar sra nazak labaan

Chorus 1:

Hagha ghalay shan muskay sho, wayl khan maa kawa khafgan

Hagha ghalay shan muskay sho, wayl khan maa kawa khafgan

Verse 2:

Za ba da sahra war na kram da Iran pa Gulistan

Dalta za yaw ao yak-ta yam, alta zar zama pashan


Char chapera speray khaoray, za yawaze yama raokhan


Dalta de tor Registan k za da rang ao noor lamba yam

Da khaais chapa naghma yam, karishma da laa-makan

Chorus 2:

Sta pa bagh ke pa zargunu di gulaab, zama pashan

Sta pa bagh ke pa zargunu di gulaab, zama pashan

(Rabab Solo)

Verse 3:

Dalta de tor Registan k za da rang ao noor lamba yam

Da khais chapa naghma yam, karishma da laa-makan

Sta pa bagh ke pa zargunu di gulaab, zama pashan

Yao be-numa sur daryab ke yao be-noom saskay rawan

Ta de hum pa khpal sahra ke khafa mashay zama rora !

Akhir ra ba shi deedan la de sok saway Ghani Khan..

Chorus 3:

Akhir ra ba shi deedan la de sook saway Ghani Khan

Akhir ra ba shi deedan la de sook saway Ghani Khan


(Electric Guitar Solo)


Reidi Gul - Lyrics and Translation,pashto song,Reidi Gul pashto song,Reidi Gul Lyrics,Reidi Gul Lyrics Translation,,Reidi Gul Translation,Ghani Khan,



In a desert, once, on a hunt did I find,

With a radiant smile, a flower so fair;

Verse 1:

In a desert, once, on a hunt did I find,

With a radiant smile, a flower so fair;

Sadly, I approached and sighed, “Ah! Of my kind

Are you too – a hapless flower from a beloved’s hair.


Frail fingers wouldn’t take you to a soft face so close,

Nor would you be kissed by lips delicate and rose.”

Chorus 1:

With a silent smile the flower replied, “Don’t lose heart!

With a silent smile the flower replied, “Don’t lose heart!

Verse 2:

This desert I wouldn’t give up for the gardens of Iran,

A solitary I am here while legions are there,

Amidst this cursed soil I stand apart.


In this gray desert, a flamboyant flame of divine light am I,

Beauty’s silent song, a miracle from the sky.

Chrous 2:

In your garden, there are thousands of flowers like me 

In your garden, there are thousands of flowers like me 

(Rabab Solo)

Verse 3:

In this gray desert, a flamboyant flame of divine light am I,

Beauty’s silent song, a miracle from the sky.

In your garden, there are thousands of flowers like me –

A nameless droplet in a nameless sea.

You too, in your desert, don’t feel forlorn,

To behold you at last shall come a sore Ghani Khan.

Chorus 3:

To behold you at last shall come a sore Ghani Khan.

To behold you at last shall come a sore Ghani Khan.


(Electric Guitar Solo)

Reidi Gul - Lyrics and Translation,pashto song,Reidi Gul pashto song,Reidi Gul Lyrics,Reidi Gul Lyrics Translation,,Reidi Gul Translation,Ghani Khan,

Pushto Lyrics

یو ورځی یو صحرا کې په ښکار وتی وم روان

یو ګلاب می ولاړ ولید، پړقیده ښایسته خندان

زه خفه یې خوا له لاړم ، ما وې اه زما په شان

ته هم ګل یی بد نصیبه ورک د زلفو د جانان

نه د چا نیازبینې ګوتې ، نرم مخ له به دې یوسي 

نه به ښکل دې کړي سری شونډې دیار سره نازک لبان

هغه غلی شان مسکی شو ، وې خان مه کوه خفګان

زه به دا صحرا ور نکړم ، د ایران په ګلستان

دلته زه یو او یکتا یم ، هلته زر زما په شان

چار چاپیره سپیرې خاورې ، زه یوازې یم روښان

دلته دې تور ریګستان کښې زه د رنګ او نور لمبه یم

د ښایست چپه نغمه یم ، کرشمه د لامکان

ستا په باغ کې په زرګونو دي ګلاب زما په شان

یو بې نومه سور دریاب کې یو بې نوم څاڅکی روان

ته دې هم په خپل صحرا کې خفه مه شې زما وروره!

آخر را به شي دیدن له دې څوک سوی غنی خان

Reidi Gul - Lyrics and Translation,pashto song,Reidi Gul pashto song,Reidi Gul Lyrics,Reidi Gul Lyrics Translation,,Reidi Gul Translation,Ghani Khan,
