Posts Tagged ‘easy’

It Wont Be Easy

May 29th, 2013, posted in LoVE, MOViES

It Wont Be Easy,easy,the notebook


Use Google Serach In CMS

August 3rd, 2011, posted in TEChNoLoGY

With the launch of Google Caffeine, the new web indexing system of Google which provides 50 percent fresher results for web searches than the last index. Google Says “Whether it’s a news story, a blog or a forum post, you can now find links to relevant content much sooner after it is published than was possible ever before.” Caffeine updates itself continuously and faster than the older one, as a result any new page or new information on existing pages will be added quickly to the new index (You can read our previous article: The After Effects of Google Caffeine: Update or Die to understand about the search engine’s latest web index system).

The launch of Google Caffeine has changed the search mechanism today. ‘Freshness of the content’ as a factor has become important in SERPs (search engine result pages) than ever before So sites or platforms which continuously update themselves with relevant and fresh contents are likely to rank well in SERPs than static websites or inactive sites. So In order to stay ahead in the online race, you need to have your website updated time to time along with all your online marketing activities. Even if your website doesn’t require frequent update, you need to at least add a blog section to your site, so that you can keep your site updated as you would post blogs regularly. If you are a technical person knowing programming/coding you can update your website when and where required, but if you’re a non-technical person you would require your developer to help with your site updates which will become difficult when your site needs frequent updates.

Thus many website owners today around the Globe prefer sites Integrated with a content management system (like word press, Joomla, drupal etc). So that making changes like editing exiting content or publishing new content to the site becomes much easier with CMS and Content management system integration has become more important now with the launch of caffeine, as you would require frequent update of your site. How content management system (CMS) can help you keep your site updated and what are the advantages? CMS is a system used to manage the content of a website, which consists of two parts, the content management application (CMA) and the content delivery application (CDA). CMA enables the site owner or content manager, who may even be a non-technical person to create, modify or remove content, in short, manage content from a Web site without having any technical expertise. CDA compiles that information to update the Web site. The features of a CMS system vary, but mainly include Web-based publishing, format management, revision control, and indexing, search, and retrieval etc. Website publishing has always required significant technical skills (HTML, programming), but CMS makes it easier for you to create, edit and publish content on a website.

 A good CMS allows even a non-technical person to easily and quickly publish content. You can update your own site when and where you want without any fuss and you can get you site customized according to your requirements as there are a number of Plug Ins and Add Ons available. A CMS can ensure better content security. It can control user access to the website, and restrict viewing of content as required. Thus if you’re a non-technical person being in online business, want your website generate leads for you and ultimately sales.

Your site needs to rank well in SERPs for all important keywords of your niche and the process starts with on-page optimization of your site and content as a factor is very important and with the launch of caffeine, updating the site with fresh contents frequently has become essential. A site integrated with content management system can make this task easier for you
