Posts Tagged ‘GANDHI’

How To Achieve Victory While Being Oppressed

November 5th, 2014, posted in ChARACtERs, MESSAGEs, Muharram
How To Achieve Victory While Being Oppressed ,How To Achieve Victory, While Being Oppressed,Being Oppressed,Being Human,Human Being, Oppressed,MahatmaGandhi ,Gandhi ,Islam,Muharram,Karbala,Muslims,Muslim History,Islamic History, Karbala Story,Story of Karbala,MahatmaGandhi About Imam Hussian,Gandhi About Imam Hussian

I learned from Hussain how to achieve victory while being oppressed.
– MahatmaGandhi –

How To Achieve Victory While Being Oppressed ,How To Achieve Victory, While Being Oppressed,Being Oppressed,Being Human,Human Being, Oppressed,MahatmaGandhi ,Gandhi ,Islam,Muharram,Karbala,Muslims,Muslim History,Islamic History


Gandhi About Imam Hussain

November 6th, 2013, posted in Words

GANDHI,Mr.GANDHI,About Imam Hussain,GANDHI About Imam Hussain, generous, hope, humanity, hussain ibn Ali, Imam Hussain, Imam Hussain.whoishussian, islam, Karbala, mankind, muslim, muslims,  purely for Islam, sacrificed, sacrificed purely for Islam, oppress,saint,sword,war,india,desi,victory while being oppressed ,victory,  being oppressed

GANDHI,Mr.GANDHI,About Imam Hussain,GANDHI About Imam Hussain, generous, hope, humanity, hussain ibn Ali, Imam Hussain, Imam Hussain.whoishussian, islam, Karbala, mankind, muslim, muslims,  purely for Islam, sacrificed, sacrificed purely for Islam, oppress,saint,sword,war,india,desi,victory while being oppressed ,victory,  being oppressed

GANDHI,Mr.GANDHI,About Imam Hussain,GANDHI About Imam Hussain, generous, hope, humanity, hussain ibn Ali, Imam Hussain, Imam Hussain.whoishussian, islam, Karbala, mankind, muslim, muslims,  purely for Islam, sacrificed, sacrificed purely for Islam, oppress,saint,sword,war,india,desi,victory while being oppressed ,victory,  being oppressed
