Network disconnected automatically and showing “Network Unauthenticated” on the “Local Area Connection”
Follow below steps to get the issue resolve :
Steps: 1
- Go To The services.msc > Right Click on “Network Location Awareness” and Open Properties > in General tab > change Startup Type as “Automatic (Delayed Start)” and Restart the Services
- Follow same procedures for “Network List Services” ( Dependency on above service)
Steps: 2
- Go To the Command Prompt > and type below commands & hit Enter after each and every command
Once the winsock reset you Must be Restart the System
Steps: 3
- Try to Enable/Disabled Network Card
Steps: 4
- Right Click on Network icon and Open Network & sharing center > click on Change Adapter settings > Right Click on Local Area Connection and open Properties > Click on configure button > Select Power Management Tab > and Unchecked Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power (Same for all option available in below)
- Restart the System/Computer
Steps: 5
- Unjoin/Remove the workstation/machine from the Domain then delete All computer account from the Active Directory and rejoin or re-welcome in Domain
Steps: 6
- E.g. – If the Domain name is “CYBTEST.COM” and you find the name on the Network Card is changed as “CYBTEST.COM 2” then edit and change as “CYBTEST.COM” in Registry as follows.
- Open registry editor using regedit command > click on Edit > Find > type CYBTEST.COM 2
- Find all changed entries and edit as normal “CYBTEST.COM“
Steps: 7 ( Change the NIC Dynamic port using batch file or below command line )
- @echo off
color 02
netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport tcp
echo “Dynamic port WILL SET as starting from 1025 to num=64510”
netsh int ipv4 set dynamicport tcp start=1025 num=64510
netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport tcp
shutdown -r -t 05