AP_SUPPLIERS MASTER DETAILS QUERY:- ***************************************** select a.SEGMENT1 vendor_code, b.VENDOR_ID, a.VENDOR_NAME, b.VENDOR_SITE_ID, (select organization_id from hr_operating_units where organization_id=b.ORG_ID )ou_id, (select name from hr_operating_units where organization_id=b.ORG_ID )operating_name, b.VENDOR_SITE_CODE, (b.ADDRESS_LINE1||b.ADDRESS_LINE2||b.ADDRESS_LINE3||b.CITY||b.STATE||b.ZIP) address, null GST_REGISTRATION_NO, c.PAN_NO, b.state from ap_suppliers a, ap_supplier_sites_All b, JAI_AP_TDS_VENDOR_HDRS c, JAI_CMN_VENDOR_SITES d where a.vendor_id=b.vendor_id and b.VENDOR_ID=c.vendor_id(+) and b.VENDOR_SITE_ID=c.VENDOR_SITE_ID(+) and b.VENDOR_ID=d.vendor_id(+) and b.VENDOR_SITE_ID=d.VENDOR_SITE_ID(+) AND (NVL(A.ENABLED_FLAG,'N')='Y' OR NVL(D.INACTIVE_FLAG,'N') <> 'N') and b.INACTIVE_DATE is null and a.end_date_active is null AND A.SEGMENT1 = 'PRMAAA1' order by a.VENDOR_NAME,b.VENDOR_SITE_CODE,b.ORG_ID AR_CUSTOMERS MASTER DETAILS QUERY:- ********************************************** select hp.party_number customer_number, hca.cust_account_id customer_id, hp.party_name customer_name, hca.account_number customer_account_number, hcas.org_id ou_id, (select name from hr_operating_units where organization_id = hcas.org_id) operating_unit_name, HCAS.PARTY_SITE_ID CUSTOMER_SITE_ID, HPS.PARTY_SITE_NUMBER CUSTOMER_SITE_NUMBER, ( HL.ADDRESS1 || HL.ADDRESS2 || HL.ADDRESS3 || HL.ADDRESS4 || HL.CITY || HL.POSTAL_CODE) ADDRESS, NULL GST_REGISTRATION_NO, jac.PAN_NO PAN_NO, hl.state, HP.PARTY_TYPE CUSTOMER_TYPE from hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas, hz_cust_accounts_all hca, hz_parties hp, hz_party_sites hps, hz_locations hl, JAI_CMN_CUS_ADDRESSES jac where 1=1 --and hca.account_number = 'RDAAAG2' and hca.cust_account_id = hcas.cust_account_id and hca.party_id = hp.party_id and hcas.party_site_id = hps.party_site_id and hca.party_id = hps.party_id and hps.location_id = hl.location_id and jac.address_id(+) = hcas.CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID order by customer_name
Posts Tagged ‘Oracle Apps R12’
October 16th, 2022, posted in Oracle QueriesOracle Apps R12 Login Page showing a blank page – ORACLE APPLICATION ERRORS
November 10th, 2019, posted in Oracle EBS Application, SolarisThis issue is caused due to missing class files in the OA_HTML directory.
We can see the below error in oacore application.log file
Missing class: _AppsLocalLogin
Please perform the below steps :
1. Shutdown the application services
2. Compile the jsp’s manually using the below command
perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/ojspCompile.pl –compile –flush -p 2
logfile set: /d01/oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_vision04/logs/appl/rgf/ojsp/ojspc_error.log
starting...(compiling all)
using 10i internal ojsp ver: 10
synchronizing dependency file:
loading deplist...8096
enumerating jsps...8096
updating dependency...0
initializing compilation:
eliminating children...6025 (-2071)
translating and compiling:
translating jsps...6025/6025 in 3m33s
compiling jsps...6025/6025 in 6m45s
3. Check whether all the jsp’s are getting compiled successfully
4. Restart the application services
5. Clear the browser cache
6. Try to open the R12 Login page