Posts Tagged ‘Oracle EBS R12’

Error : Transaction Processor error

July 28th, 2015, posted in Oracle

Oracle Application Error :: Error : Transaction Processor error,Oracle Application Error ,Error : Transaction Processor error,Oracle Application ,Error ,Transaction Processor error,Transaction Processor ,Oracle Application DBA,Oracle , Application DBA,Oracle DBA, Apps,Oracle APPs DBA,APPS DBA,Oracle Application r12,Oracle EBS R12,oracle DBA,Oracle DBA error,ORacle application error

This is one of the generic error and there could be multiple reasons, even a bug.  Mostly and commonly it is seen in Inventory Module. For example, while you perform Subinventory transfer or Mis transaction then that through “Transaction processor error” or when you perform Inter-Organization Transfer then that through “Transaction processor error“.

Oracle Application Error :: Error : Transaction Processor error,Oracle Application Error ,Error : Transaction Processor error,Oracle Application ,Error ,Transaction Processor error,Transaction Processor ,Oracle Application DBA,Oracle , Application DBA,Oracle DBA, Apps,Oracle APPs DBA,APPS DBA,Oracle Application r12,Oracle EBS R12,oracle DBA,Oracle DBA error,ORacle application error

Solutions :

1 ) For starters you can check Tablespace, sometimes they are full due to which this kind of issue may occur.

2 ) Check Managers from System Administrator Responsibility

3 ) Check is ‘Receiving Transaction Manager‘ from system administrator responsibility is working or not.

4 ) Check RCV: Processing Mode profile option to immidiate and then restart+activate ‘Receiving Transaction Manager‘ from system administrator responsibility

5 ) Shutdown the Oracle Application & Oracle Database. After doing that start the Database again and once the database is started wait for 5 mins and than start the Application again.


Try all these solutions one by one & hopefully if might resolve the issue. But do it on your own risk !! 😀
