Posts Tagged ‘Oracle SQL’
How To Get Last Record From The Table In Oracle Sql
October 30th, 2022, posted in Oracle QueriesWhat are the Aggregate Functions in Oracle SQL
September 18th, 2022, posted in OracleAggregate Functions
MIN | returns the smallest value in a given column |
MAX | returns the largest value in a given column |
SUM | returns the sum of the numeric values in a given column |
AVG | returns the average value of a given column |
COUNT | returns the total number of values in a given column |
COUNT(*) | returns the number of rows in a table |
Oracle Queries for checking Profile Option Values
April 19th, 2020, posted in Oracle QueriesSELECTsubstr(pro1.user_profile_option_name,1,35) Profile, decode(pov.level_id, 10001,'Site', 10002,'Application', 10003,'Resp', 10004,'User') Option_Level, decode(pov.level_id, 10001,'Site', 10002,appl.application_short_name, 10003,resp.responsibility_name, 10004,u.user_name) Level_Value, nvl(pov.profile_option_value,'Is Null') Profile_option_Value FROM fnd_profile_option_values pov, fnd_responsibility_tl resp, fnd_application appl, fnd_user u, fnd_profile_options pro, fnd_profile_options_tl pro1 WHERE pro1.user_profile_option_name like ('%Ledger%') and pro.profile_option_name = pro1.profile_option_name and pro.profile_option_id = pov.profile_option_id and resp.responsibility_name like '%General%Ledger%' /* comment this line if you need to check profiles for all responsibilities */ and pov.level_value = resp.responsibility_id (+) and pov.level_value = appl.application_id (+) and pov.level_value = u.user_id (+) order by 1,2;
Oracle SQL To Check Instance Clone Date
March 1st, 2020, posted in Oracle QueriesFor Multiple Server Connections – Single Putty Window – Multiple Tabs
January 28th, 2018, posted in Oracle, Solaris, WindowsIs it possible to have a tabbed putty like firefox or internet explorer ??
Yes you can, check out below URL !!
Look for Putty connection Manager.