Posts Tagged ‘planning’

How to Plan Your Finances‏

September 28th, 2011, posted in MESSAGEs, TEChNoLoGY

finance scarface

How to Plan your Finances is one of the important components of having a good life. Whether you have a smaller income or a better one, you will truly save yourself from a lot of worries and trouble if you know how to manage your finances well. Here are 8 tips for you guys, to manage your finances more effectively.

(1) Prioritize:

Set priorities carefully plan your finances. Know your wants and your needs. Do not be confused with what you need and what you want. If you want to make big purchases like getting a home or a car, careful planning will be your key to make it a little easier.

(2) Save:

Make it a habit to save and include savings on your budget. Allot a percentage of your income as your savings. Having a good amount of savings regularly always helps you face your future with confidence and will save you from a lot of financial worries.

(3) Budgeting:

Having a plan on spending is very much helpful for you to see how much you can afford to spend in a month. Make a list when you go to the grocery or when you go shopping and keep reminding yourself to stick to the list. Sticking to your budget today is definitely one good way of being free from financial worries later.

(4) Set Limits:

Do not spend more than what you earn. Do not splurge on spending with your credit card if it is not clear where you will get payment for it the next month. Thinking about spending a lot today hoping you will get a job the next month is a no-no.

(5) Manage your debts:

Pay your credit card promptly and do not go over your credit limit. Late payments and maxing out your credit cards will cost you expensively. When credit card companies are giving you lower interest rates, you might end up having to pay for higher fees. Late payments and overspending will likely stain your credit report in the end as well. Knowing how to manage your debts is indeed one huge step in learning how to manage your finances.

(6) Keep In Consideration:

If you are borrowing money, making investments, or renting anything, always be informed with interest rates and the terms and conditions. When dealing financial transactions, it is always wise to read the fine prints. This way you will save yourself from financial troubles later on.

(7) Invest:

If you want to invest your money, be wise. Know your market, know the feasibility and success rate of your investment. Especially these days where the economy is down, you also have to be careful where to invest your money. Find and study the opportunities with lower risks.
Think your way out of debts and overspending. Indeed, it may be difficult for some to overcome the habit of overspending and splurging on many things in life. If you are facing the same situation, try to train the power of your mind to manage your thoughts on spending. Resist the urge to do unplanned spending by waiting for a day or two. In the end you might find out you don’t exactly need it.

(8) Unplanned spending:

And think before spending on something unplanned.

Hope guys! these tips will help a lot in your practical life.  Please leave your thoughts in form of comments.
