Posts Tagged ‘Rajab Fasting’

Rajab Amaal – Recite daily in Rajab

April 23rd, 2015, posted in DAtEs iN a YeAR, Rajab

Rajab , Islam,Muslims, Rajab Dua,Rajab Fast, Rajab Fasting,Recite daily in Rajab,asking forgiveness,ask forgiveness,saying of Holy Prophet,islam and rajab

Holy Prophet (pbuh) said the one who fasts 3 days in the month will get reward for one fast equal to one year’s reward, who fasts 7 days for him 7 doors of fire will close,one who fasts 8 days for him 8 doors of heaven will open,the one who fasts 15 days for him will be eased his accountability of deeds & the one who fasts the entire month,God will write His consent for him and God’s consent is such that God wont put him in (azaab)

Holy Prophet (pbuh) declard this month for his Umaat as a month for asking forgivness

It is highly highly recommended to fast in this month esp on the 1st 15th n 30th!

Amaal of Rajab

2 rakats daily at night.. Hence a total of 60 rakats for the entire month.

In every rakat aftr Surah Alhamd recite 3times Surah e Kafirun and 3times Surah e Ikhlaas.

Recite daily in Rajab

3 times = Surah e Alhamd
3 times = Aytal Kursi
3 times = Surah e Ikhlaas
3 times = Surah e Kafiroon
3 times = Surah e Falaq
3 times = Surah e Naas

3 times
سبحان الله والحمد لله ولآ اله الا الله و الله اكبر و لا حولا ولا قوة الا باالله العلي العظيم

3 times
اللهم اغفرللمؤمنين و المؤمنات

3 times = Salwat
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

400 times
استغفرالله واتوب اليه

And every night 1000times
لآ اله الا الله

Rajab , Islam,Muslims, Rajab Dua,Rajab Fast, Rajab Fasting,Recite daily in Rajab,asking forgiveness,ask forgiveness,saying of Holy Prophet,islam and rajab


Saying Of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) About Rajab

May 16th, 2014, posted in DAtEs iN a YeAR, Islamic Teachings, Saying Of Holy Prophet ( P.B.U.H)

(P.B.U.H), be kind, be nice, blessing, (S.A.W), Hadith, Hadith In English, happy day, holy book, Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), Holy Prophet (S.A.W.), Holy Quran, In English, islam, Islam Teachings, Mohammad (P.B.U.H), muslims, Peace Be Upon Him, remember, Rememeber Him, Saying Of Prophet ( P.B.U.H), Teaching, teachings of islam,Rajab,Month of Rajab,Rajab Month,Rajab In Islam,Hadith About Rajab,Prophet (P.B.U.H) About Rajab
