Posts Tagged ‘Scarface’S DIARY Cannibal’

Hannibal Eating

November 30th, 2013, posted in Hannibal

Scarface’S DIARY	 Cannibal, dailgoue, Do You Believe A Man Could Become So Obsessed With A Woman From A Single Encounter, dragon, dream, food, Hannibal, Hannibal Cannibal, Hannibal Lecter, Hannibal lector, Hannibal moive, Hannibal part 2, Hannibal tv show, Hannibal_Lecter, I have to hunt a thing that lives on tears, lambs, Lecter, movie, Neither Savage Nor Wise, Nightmares, novel, Our Scars Have The Power To Remind Us, Over this odd world, power, qoute, Qoutes, red, Red Dragon, remind us, Savage, scars, Show, Silence, silence of the lambs, style, tv, tv show, Wise
