Archive for October, 2015

Black Clothes In Muharram

October 26th, 2015, posted in Muharram

Black Clothes In Muharram,Black Clothes, In Muharram,Black ,Clothes In Muharram,Muharram,Moharram,Islam,Muslim,Muslims,Karbala


1st Muharram

October 25th, 2015, posted in Muharram

1st Muharram, Islamic New Year, Happy New Year,Do Not forget,Think about it,Imam Hussain,Prophet's Family,Islam,Muslims,Karbala


The Retelling Of On The 10th Moharram

October 24th, 2015, posted in Muharram

– Why are they wearing Black? Why are their faces sullen suddenly? Why aren’t they going out for hangouts how they do on a usual basis? What is a Majlis?
These are the questions I have grown up with, hearing them as every year the moon of Moharram is sighted. It hurts me to see so many who are not aware of what had happened, of the history and significance of the battle of Karbala. Now don’t say it’s a “Shia” thing. Was Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) not all of ours? Did the Prophet’s family not hold any importance to the entire ummah? That is what Moharram is. It is reviving the greatest sacrifice made for Islam by the Prophet’s grandson Imam Hussain and his entire family, all women and children. How can the Muslim ummah not mourn the tragedy of the Prophet’s family? Now many will think, we do respect Moharram, but these Majalis which are done by “that sect” are wrong. Why is it wrong? Here’s what happens in Majalis; the Dikhr of Allah, of the Prophet and his companions and the Ahlul-Bayt, the Prophet’s beloved family.
The retelling to the Battle of Karbala and the traumatic events that took place which the Prophet’s family encountered.
The retelling of how Imam Hussain had only 75 people who supported him on the journey from Madina to Karbala, while his battle was to be against thousands and thousands of wrong-doers.
The retelling if how Imam Hussain wanted to resolve matters with the wicked ruler Yazeed by word and when that hadn’t worked, Jihad was the only solution to save the true meaning of Islam.
The retelling of water banned for the Prophet’s family on the land of Karbala and the echoes of the children coming from their tents claiming their thirst admist the desert.
The retelling of how on the 9th of Moharram Imam Hussain gave all his companions the choice to leave his side if they did not want to fight the battle.
The retelling of on the 10th Moharram how the youngest of children of the Prophet’s family were slaughtered on the battle field in the name of Islam.
The retelling of Imam Hussain bringing the martyrs bodies from the battle field back to their camp at the old age of 60, where one of the many dead bodies of his beloved family was of his 18 year old son. A father who sacrificed his cherished son in the name of his grandfather’s preached Deen.
The retelling of the only time Imam Hussain asked the troops of the evil ruler Yazeed for a few drops of water for his 6 month old son who squealed with thirst that and lasted for days, and in response the the troops slaughtering the infant with an arrow used to slaughter camels to show their “power”.
The retelling of how after the battle with all the men martyred, the Women of the Prophet’s family were looted of their belongings and held captives, mocked and taken to the wicked ruler’s Kingdom in Syria as prisoners.
Be it scholarly books of Shias or Sunnis, the summarized events above can be found in any historical record. That is Moharram. That is why each year the remembrance of the battle of Karbla causes the heart to be heavy and mourn the Prophet’s family and revive their unshakable Iman and exemplary character which followed nothing other than the Sunnah.
Do not believe all that you hear about a particular sect and do not base judgements of what you’ve been told. Go out there and research on Islam, get your answers from authentic books and reliable scholars. Perhaps it is then that the misconceptions birthing our sectarian divide would if not resolve, at least teach us to be respectful and tolerable.

Hira Hyder


Yaar Ko Hamne Ja Ba Ja Dekha [Translated in English]

October 22nd, 2015, posted in POEtRY.., Sufism

Yaar Ko Hamne Ja Ba Ja Dekha ,abida parveen,abida ,parveen,sufi poetry,sufisim,sufi love

manum-maa nayaz-mandi ke be to nayyaazdaara
I am needyl person, who needs you

gham-e-choon to naaz-nini behzaar naaz-dara
I will consider it my honor to accept the sorrow of a beloved like you

tuu-e- afataab, chashman wa jamaal tust roshan
You are the sun: my eye is alight with your beauty

agar ast-o-baazgeeram be ke chashm e aaz-daaram
if I giveup you , to whom will I go

Yaar Ko Hamne Ja Ba Ja Dekha ,abida parveen,abida ,parveen,sufi poetry,sufisim,sufi love

Yaar ko humne ja-ba-ja dekha
kahin zahir kahin chhupa dekha

Kahin mumkin huwa kahin wajib
Kahin fani kahin baqa dekha

Yaar ko humne ja-ba-ja dekha
Kahin zahir kahin chupa dekha

Kahin woh baadshaah-e-takht nasheen
Kahin kaasa liye gadaa dekha

Yaar ko humne ja-ba-ja dekha
Kahin zahir kahin chupa dekha

Kahin wo der libaas-e-mashokan
Bar-sare naaz aur aada dekha

Kahin zahir jahin chupa dekha
Yaar ko humne ja-ba-ja dekha

Kahin aashiq niyaz ki soorat
Seena Girya-o-dil jala dekha

Yaar ko humne ja-ba-ja dekha
Kahin zahir kahin chupa dekha

Yaar ko humne ja-ba-ja dekha

Yaar Ko Hamne Ja Ba Ja Dekha ,abida parveen,abida ,parveen,sufi poetry,sufisim,sufi love

Yaar Ko Hamne Ja Ba Ja Dekha [Translated in English]

I saw my beloved in all I saw,
At times revealed, hidden at times.

Been familiar with the issue of faith,
I saw the face of my beloved in all I saw.

At times a possibility, at times imperative,
At times ephemeral, at times eternal.

Inspired by the wish to see Himself,
He made Himself into every form.

He is the one who sees and hears
I saw no one other then Him.

Laughed gleefully through blooming flowers,
Crooned in nightingale’s melodious songs.

He took the forms of the candle and the moth,
And annihilated Himself in flames of His own.

At times claiming “I am the Truth”,
Witnessed his head raised on the Cross.

O ‘Niyaz’ He was beyond the bounds of `You’ and `Me’,
And yet I see Him in every `You’ and `Me’.

At times he behaved like unfamiliar,
At timed I found him familiar with the face.

At times he is the emperor in power,
At times seen with a mendicant’s begging bowl.

At times, a devout worshipper,
Lord of rakes and drunkards at times.

At times in the beloved’s attire,
He was seen throwing up His charms.

At times as a lover like ‘Niyaz’,
He was seen beating his breast and heart aflame.


Its called Gymnastics

October 20th, 2015, posted in Art, COMiCS

Gymnastics,gym,funny,comic,hobbes and bacon comic,hobbes and bacon
