HAZRAT MOHSIN IBN-E-ALI (a.s)…. (Part 2)
The infant who was martyred before his Birth…or He was no more than six months fetus at the time of the attack…..!!!!
The demise of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) triggered a chain of events that caught the Muslims unaware. Worse, they accepted these events as if that was the most natural thing to do and remained unmindful of the far-reaching consequences of their submission.
One such incident that stands out in the aftermath of the Holy Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) demise is the siege on Hazrat Fatimah’s (s.a.) house and the eventual attack that claimed two lives in its wake, one of them being Hazrat Fatimah (s.a.) herself. The other one being the martyrdom of Hazrat Mohsin Ibn Ali (a.s.), the subject of this article.
Unbelievably True…………..
Mohsin Ibn Ali’s (a.s.) martyrdom is so unsettling and incredible that some Muslims have even gone to the extent of denying it.
To think of it, indeed the incident is unbelievably true. Not just the martyrdom of Hazrat Mohsin Ibn Ali (a.s.), the entire chain of incidents, the oppressors and oppressed ones, everything about the attack on Hazrat Fatimah’s (s.a.) house is unbelievable.
It is unbelievable that the slightest harm would come on Fatimah (s.a.), let alone her being inflicted with a fatal body blow. Especially, when the Muslims were served a crystal clear warning by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) in this regard when he (s.a.w.a.) informed them that Fatimah’s displeasure was the cause of his (s.a.w.a.) displeasure, which in turn was Allah’s displeasure and finally, driving one to Hell.
It is unbelievable that Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) who was anointed Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) publicly by the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) on divine command less than three months before his (s.a.w.a.) demise in Ghadeer-e-Khumm and was the unmatched choice of Allah and His Messenger (s.a.w.a.) as highlighted by every notable incident in Islam’s history should be subjugated by individuals who could not even compare to the dust of his horse’s hooves which incidentally Allah swears by in Surah Aadiyaat.
It is unbelievable that the perpetrators of this crime were none other than the so-called companions of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and his so-called successors who claimed proximity and brotherhood with the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and after whose names the Muslims invoke Allah’s satisfaction and mercy.
It is unbelievable that the atrocities meted out to Fatimah (s.a.) would eventually claim her life inducing Ameerul Momineen Ali (a.s.) to declare that she was like a flower nipped in the bud and expressing to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) his helplessness in safeguarding his (s.a.w.a.) trust. All this within a few days of the Holy Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) demise and revelation of the Verse of Purification (Surah Ahzaab (33): 33) and Incident of the Cloak testified to by all the Muslims as being related to Fatimah (s.a.) along with her husband and sons.
It is unbelievable that Fatimah (s.a.) willed her burial to be carried out in the dead of the night deeming the companions in question unworthy to attend her funeral and in this way categorically refuting their claim to caliphate and so-called proximity to her father (s.a.w.a.) and inflicting a slap so hard on her oppressors that its reverberations will always be felt by her oppressors and their partisans.
Finally, it is unbelievable that the struggle launched by a few individuals for worldly power and status would mercilessly uproot the existence of a six-month unborn infant from the comfort of his mother’s womb.
Over here, the martyrdom of Hazrat Mohsin Ibn Ali (a.s.), the third son of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) and Fatimah (s.a.) after Hasan (a.s.) and Husain (a.s.), has been analyzed in detail. Other events before and after the martyrdom, although very significant from the viewpoint of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) and Fatimah (s.a.) in particular and Muslims in general, are referred to in lesser detail.
Despite claims to the contrary by misinformed and uninformed Muslims, it is well-documented by scores of scholars from both the sects �†Sunnis and Shias �†that there was a full-scale attack on Fatimah’s (s.a.) house only a few days after the Prophet’s (s.a.w.a.) demise. The objective of the companions who assaulted Fatimah (s.a.) and Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) was to extract Ali’s (a.s.) allegiance for Abu Bakr, without which they knew Abu Bakr’s caliphate would lack any form of legitimacy.
(Note: We have already posted part 1 of ths series, part 3 will be posted later. Kindly don’t take ths picture in the wrong way, We are not referring ths pic to BIBI FATIMA (s.a)..(Na’auzobillah))
Mohsin Ibn Ali (a.s.) martyrdom has been recorded by the following scholars/historians:
I) Sunni Sources
1. Al-Milal wa al-Nehal vol. 1 p. 57 (Beirut Edition) by Muhammad al-Shahrastaani exp. 548 AH
2. Mizaan al-E’tedaal vol. 1 p. 139 by Abu Abdillah Shams al-Deen al-Zahabi exp. 748 AH
3. Al-Waafi be al-Wafiyyaat vol. 6 p. 17 by Allamah Khalil Ibn Aybak al-Safadi exp. 746 AH
4. Al-Farq bain al-Feraq p. 107 by Abdul Qadir al-Tamimi al-Baghdadi exp. 429 AH
5. Al-Faraaed al-Simtain vol. 2 p. 35 Sadr al-Deen Ibraheem Ibn Sa’d al-Deen Muhmmad al-Hammuee exp. 732 AH
6. Sharhe Nahjul Balagha vol. 4 p. 192 (Beirut Edition) by Ibne Abil Hadeed Motazali exp. 656 AH
II) Shia Sources
1. Al-Manaaqeb by Ibn Shahr Aashob al-Sarvi al-Mazandarani (exp. 583 AH) vol. 3 p. 132 from Al-Maarif of Ibne Qutaybah al-Dainoori (Ahle Sunnah)
2. Isbaat al-Wilaayah by Masoodi (exp. 346 AH) p. 142
3. Al-Amaali by Shaykh al-Saduq (exp. 381 AH) p. 99
4. Bashaarah al-Mustafa le Shiah al-Murtaza p. 197 by Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Abu al-Qaasim al-Tabari (sixth century scholar)
5. Iqbaal al-A’maal p. 625 by Sayyed Ibn Taawoos (exp. 664 AH)
6. Irshaad al-Quloob p. 295 by Abu Muhammad al-Hasan Ibn Abi al-Hasan Muhammad Dailami
7. Jalaa al-Uyoon vol. 1 p. 184 by Allamah Muhammad Baqer Majlisi (exp. 1111 AH)
8. Misbaah al-Kaf’ami p. 522 by Shaykh Taqi Al-Deen Ibraheem al-Kaf’ami (exp. 905 AH)
9. Al-Muhtazar p. 109 by Husain Ibn Sulayman al-Hilli, a student of al-Shaheed al-Awwal
10. Al-Kaamil p. 309 by Shaykh Bahaai (exp. 1031 AH)
11. Hadiqah al-Shia p. 265 by Ahmed Ibn Muhammad famous as Muqaddas-e-Ardebili (exp. 993 AH)
12. Ma’ani al-Akhbaar p. 205 by Shaykh al-Saduq (exp. 381 AH)
13. Ilme Yaqeen p. 686
14. Rawzah al-Muttaqeen vol. 5 p. 342
15. Behaar al-Anwaar vol. 43 p. 171 by Allamah Muhammad Baqer Majlisi (exp. 1111 AH)
16. Isbaat al-Hudaat vol. 2 p. 337 by Shaikh al-Hurr al-Aameli (exp. 1104 AH)
17. Kitaabo Dalaael al-Imamah by Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Jurair al-Tabari exp. 310 AH
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