Archive for March, 2018

Saying Of Hazrat Ali

March 30th, 2018, posted in MESSAGEs, Saying Of Hazrat Ali ( A.S )

Saying Of Hazrat Ali,ImamAli,Hazrat Ali,Islam,muslims,Muslim,Urdu,Saying Of Hazrat Ali Urdu,Saying Of Hazrat Ali in Urdu


How To Open Multiple Forms At A Time In Oracle ERP

March 28th, 2018, posted in Oracle

Here I am going to discuss about how we can open multiple forms at a time. Here is a requirement that i want  to open journal entry form as well as currency definition form at a time. Normally we can open one form at a time but by doing below changes we can get this functionality.

After accessing to the application go to Tools, You can observe that their is a check box checked against “Close Other Forms”.

How To Open Multiple Forms At A Time In Oracle ERP,How To Open Multiple Forms At A Time,Oracle ERP,Oracle ,ERP,Oracle ERP Application,Oracle Application,Oracle DBA,Oracle Forms,How To Open Multiple Forms Oracle Application


Uncheck the check box

How To Open Multiple Forms At A Time In Oracle ERP,How To Open Multiple Forms At A Time,Oracle ERP,Oracle ,ERP,Oracle ERP Application,Oracle Application,Oracle DBA,Oracle Forms,How To Open Multiple Forms Oracle Application

After unchecking the check box i am trying to open the journal entry form and currency definition form. You can observe that both forms open parallel. for opening both forms click on respective navigation separately.

How To Open Multiple Forms At A Time In Oracle ERP,How To Open Multiple Forms At A Time,Oracle ERP,Oracle ,ERP,Oracle ERP Application,Oracle Application,Oracle DBA,Oracle Forms,How To Open Multiple Forms Oracle Application


Third Party Control Segment Qualifier its Options and Usage

March 22nd, 2018, posted in Oracle

In General Ledger. When we define values in Natural Account. We assign segment qualifiers. Among Segment Qualifiers. “Third Party Control” Segment Qualifier is one of the Qualifier. Today i am sharing the information on Third Party Qualifier.

1. What is meant by “Third Party Control”?

Ans. When we assign or enable “Third Party Control Segment Qualifier”. Here assigning or enabling means select option as “Yes” or “Supplier” or “Customer”. By using that natural account if journal is created then journal should contain “Party Information”. Party Information will be available for a journal when it is created from Sub-Ledgers. Incase Party information is missing for that natural account then the Accounting Program completes in error stating ” Party Information missing”. Normally for manual journals party information will not be available.

2. Who are all parties?

Ans. In R12 as per TCA all the suppliers and customers are treated as Parties.

3. What all the options available in “Third Party Control Segment Qualifiers”?

Ans. Prior to R12.1.3 version there are 4 options. They are

a. No (Default Value)
b. Yes
c. Supplier
d. Customer

In R12.1.3 one additional option is included it is

e. Restrict Manual Journals.

4. What is the Importance of the options available in “Third Party Control Segment Qualifiers”?


Value “NO”

If we select option “No” means we are not using Third Party Control Segment Qualifier.

Value “Yes”

If we select option as “Yes” it means that value can be used in AP Sub Ledger (Supplier information is Available) and as well as in AR (Customer Information is available)

Value “Supplier”

If we select option as “Supplier” it means we are going to use this value in AP (Where Supplier information is available)

Value “Customer”

If we select option as “Customer” it means we are going to use this value in AR (Where Customer information is available)

Value ” Restrict Manual Journals”

If we select option as ” Restrict Manual Journals” where we can use this value in sub-ledger (With or with out party information ). But we can not use this value in General Ledger for Manual Journals.


Oracle ERP,Oracle ,ERP,Oracle ERP Application,Oracle Application,Oracle DBA,Oracle Forms,racle Apps,Apps DBA,Create Accounting concurrent program,Create Accounting, concurrent program,Third Party Control Segment Qualifier its Options and Usage,Third Party Control Segment Qualifier ,Options and Usage


5. Why  in R12.1.3 version New Option “Restrict Manual Journals” Option introduced?

Ans. Before R12.1.3 if we enabling Third Party Control for the value (Unidentified Cash) and by using the same value if we book Unidentified Receipt. We face issue while performing Create Accounting with error message (party information missing). Which is a bug because we book unidentified receipt where party information is not available. To over come this issue Oracle introduced new value called “Restrict Manual Journals”. By enabling this option we can create journals from sub ledger with out party information but we cannot book manual journal from General Ledger (GL) for the same value.

6. What is the use of “Third Party Control Segment Qualifier”

Ans If we are not enabling or not using “Third Party Control Segment Qualifier” for Control Accounts then we face issues while performing Reconciliation from Sub ledger to GL. Normally we perform periodical reconciliation for control accounts from sub ledger to GL. Due to non enabling “Third Party Control Segment Qualifier” user may pass manual journal entries using control account which will cause difference from Sub ledger to GL. To over come these issue it is suggested to enable “Third Party Control Segment Qualifier” for control Accounts.

7. In which all sub ledgers we can use “Third Party Control Segment Qualifier” for control accounts?

Ans. Prior to R12.1.3 we can use “Third Party Control Segment Qualifier” for control accounts related to Accounts Payables (AP) and Accounts Receivables (AR). But after R12.1.3 due to new option “Restrict Manual Journals” option we can use in all sub ledgers.


When You Find A Man By Nizar Kabbani

March 20th, 2018, posted in LoVE, POEtRY..

Nizar Kabbani,Find a man,poetry,poet,love,care,miss you,When You Find A Man By Nizar Kabbani


Playing Hide And Seek With Batman

March 19th, 2018, posted in COMiCS, DC Comic And Movies

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