Archive for June, 2017

Bohlool and Serious Advice

June 30th, 2017, posted in MESSAGEs, POEPLes, STORiES, Sufism

It is said that Bohlool mostly spent his time sitting in a graveyard. One day, as usual, he went there. Abbasid Caliph Haroon Al-Rashid passed by, desiring to hunt. When he arrived near Bohlool he asked, “Bohlool, what are you doing?

I have come to visit such people who don’t backbite, don’t expect anything from me and don’t cause me pain in any way.

Will you tell me something about Qiyamah (The day of Resurrection), Sirat (Bridge), and the questions and answers about this world?

Tell your slaves to kindle a fire and place a flat iron pan over it till it becomes red-hot.”
Abbasid Caliph Haroon Al-Rashid ordered it and it was done.

O Abbasid Caliph Haroon Al-Rashid !! I will stand barefoot on this pan and introduce myself. I will describe whatever I have eaten and worn. After that, you also stand barefoot like I did, introduce yourself, and describe whatever you have eaten and worn.

Abbasid Caliph Haroon Al-Rashid agreed.

To You Your Religion To Me Mine,Islam,Quran,Holy Quran,Holy Book,Muslims,Muslim,Islamic teachings,Islamic Teaching,Islam

Then Bohlool stood on the hot pan and quickly said, “Bohlool, a bundle (of tattered clothes), barley bread and vinegar.” He said this and immediately came off; his feet were not burned at all. When Abbasid Caliph Haroon Al-Rashid‘s turn came, he couldn’t introduce himself the way he wanted to, his feet got burned, and he fell off.

O Abbasid Caliph Harun Al-Rashid !! Qiyamat’s questions and answers are like this. Those who worship Allah (SWT), are content, and stay away from greediness of the world’s rank and dignity will easily pass Sirat (Bridge), but those who are attached to worldly majesty and splendor will be arrested with troubles.



Wake Up Pretend Sleep

June 28th, 2017, posted in Scarface'S DIARY, Words

wake-up-pretend-im-ok-sleep-quote,wakeup,pretend im ok ,sleep quote,pretend, im ok ,sleep, quote,


wake-up-pretend-im-ok-sleep-quote,wakeup,pretend im ok ,sleep quote,pretend, im ok ,sleep, quote,


More Than Machinery We Need Humanity

June 25th, 2017, posted in ChARACtERs, DAtEs iN a YeAR, MESSAGEs, MOViES, POEPLes, Scarface'S DIARY, UNiVERSE

A Message For All Of Humanity,A Message For All , Humanity,A Message ,Human Being,Human Beings,the great dictator,the great dictator movie,movie,charlie chaplin movie dialogue,charlie chaplin ,movie dialogue,charlie chaplin movie ,dialogue,chaplin movie dialogue,More Than Machinery We Need Humanity,Machinery Vs Humanity,Humanity,We Need Humanity,More Than Machinery


Bahlool And Graveyards

June 23rd, 2017, posted in ChARACtERs, MESSAGEs, POEPLes, STORiES, Sufism

Bahlool liked to visit the graveyards. “People here are good friends“, he used to say, “They do not backbite.

Once, he sat in a corner of a graveyard and with a long heavy stick started probing some of the old skulls which lay scattered about. Abbasid Caliph Haroon Al-Rashid passed by, and saw him said: O Bahlool, what are you doing?

Oh nothing very important, said Bahlool. I am just trying to find out whether the skulls belong to Caliphs or paupers. They are all the same.
And what is the stick for, Abbasid Caliph Haroon Al-Rashid asked.

Well, I am measuring the earth, Bahlool replied.

Measuring the earth? What are your findings? Abbasid Caliph Haroon Al-Rashid joked !!

It is equal and the same, O Caliph !! Bahlool retorted. Three arm lengths for me, in spite of my poverty and three arm lengths for you, in spite your pomp and wealth.

Behlol Dana, book, Imam Jafar Sadiq, Imam Musa Kadhim, islam, judge, judge and scholar, muslim, muslims, scholar, Sufi, video, Wahab bin Amr,Behlol Dana Stories,Behlol Stories,Bahlool And Graveyards


Meeting People

June 20th, 2017, posted in Art, MESSAGEs, Scarface'S DIARY, WORKiNG iN GRAPHiCS

Meeting People,Meeting People Quote,Meeting Quote,People Quote,Quote,
