Posts Tagged ‘respect’

Making Of Woman

October 6th, 2011, posted in GiRLs, Ink On PAPER, MESSAGEs

scarface woman

By the time the Lord made woman, He was into His Sixth day of working overtime. An Angel appeared and said, Why are You spending so much time on this one? And the Lord answered and said, “Have you seen the spec sheet on her? She has to be completely washable, but not plastic, have 200 movable parts, all replaceable, run on black coffee and leftovers, have a lap that can hold two children at one time and that disappears when she stands up, have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart, and have six pairs of hands.”

The Angel was astounded at the requirements. “Six pairs of hands! No Way!” said the Angel. The Lord replied, “Oh, it’s not the hands that are the problem. It’s the three pairs of eyes that mothers must have!” “And that’s just on the standard model?” The Angel asked. The Lord nodded in agreement. “Yep, one pair of eyes is to see through the closed door as she asks her children what they are doing even though she already knows. Another pair in the back of her head is to see what she needs to know even though no one thinks she can. And the third pair is here in the front of her head. They are for looking at an errant child and saying that she understands and loves him or her without even saying a single word.

mothers love

The Angel tried to stop the Lord. “This is too much work for one day. Wait until tomorrow to finish.” “But I can’t! The Lord protested, I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart. She already heals herself when she is sick AND can feed a family on a pound of hamburger and can get a nine year old to stand in the shower!”

The Angel moved closer and touched the woman, “But you have made her so soft Lord.” “She is soft,” Lord agreed, “but I have also made her tough. You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish.”
“Will she be able to think?” asked the Angel. The Lord replied, “Not only will she be able to think, she will be able to reason, and negotiate.” The Angel then noticed something and reached out and touched the woman’s cheek. “Oops, it looks like you have a leak with this model. I told You that You were trying to put too much into this one. ” That’s not a leak.” The Lord objected. “That’s a tear!” “What’s the tear for?” the Angel asked. The Lord said, “The tear is her way of expressing her joy, her sorrow, her pain, her disappointment, her loneliness, her grief, and her pride.”
The Angel was impressed. “You are a genius, Lord. You thought of everything, for women are truly amazing.”

woman by scarface

Women have strengths that amaze men.

They carry children, they carry hardships, they carry burdens but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up for injustice.
They don’t take no for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without new shoes so their children can have them.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend. They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They have sorrow at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all sizes, in all colours and shapes.
They’ll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin!
Women do more than give birth.
They bring joy and hope.
They give compassion and ideals.
Women have a lot to say and a lot to give.


May 15th, 2011, posted in GiRLs

Girls hate things which guys fail to notice…Here are they (though dere r many more as well):

1. Ignore –

The first and most important thing to keep in mind is that no girl likes to be ignored. If you are planning to live your entire life with a girl, you better master the art of making her feel special and important. Girls hate it when guys ignore them.


2. Their Friends –

The reason why most of the girls have an issue with their boyfriend’s buddies is the fact that some guys tend to act like complete idiots when they are with their guy-friends. Endless hours of smoking, drinking and hooting while watching sports on television or indulging in a game of poker, leaves no room for the girl. Girls don’t mind guys spending time with their friends as long as the friends don’t start hogging all the time and attention.

3. Spineless Guy

guys need to take the lead and have control over their lives. Girls don’t hate jobless guys; they hate guys who don’t have the will to work. In case you are hunting for a job and struggling to make your mark in the concerned profession, your girl will stand by you, but if you are going to wallow in self-pity and make absolutely no efforts to pull up your socks and make a living, then you can stop dreaming of having a girlfriend!

4. Respect –

Girls hate it when guys lack respect for them – be it their family, their job, their hobby or their fashion sense. No girl likes to be ridiculed about her work, career, fashion sense or even her make-up skills. Girls like guys who know how to respect them, because of the simple principle “If he can’t respect me, he can’t love me”.

5. Family bashing –

No girl likes a man who disrespects her family and parents. Things like under-estimating a girl’s career options or putting her down will also put you permanently on her black list.

6. Deceit –

Girls hate it when guys lie to them and let me warn you guys that it really doesn’t matter when you come up with excuses like “I lied because I didn’t want to lose you” or “I lied because I didn’t want to hurt you”

7. Ogling –

Girls absolutely cannot stand their man ogling at other girls and yes… it really doesn’t make the ogling any less annoying if it was done without their knowledge, behind their back.


8. Ill – manners –

Girls hate it when guys utter profanities. Also hygiene is an issue that most girls are very sensitive about. Girls hate guys who dig their noses or fart, burp and belch.

9. Comparison with other girls –

Girls hate being compared to other girls, especially if you are hooting for the other girl. So the next time you try and do that, be prepared for a wrath-attack or the ultimate silent treatment. And in case it’s your ex-girlfriend that you are comparing her to – then you are dead. A girl has every right to hate her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriends.


10. Last but not the least –

You have a list of things that girls hate about guys. Always love your girl instead of judging her. Pamper her but don’t smother her, respect her but don’t be her pet, give her enough time end space and you will get yours, treat her right and she will be yours forever.

One of the most important things that girls hate is comparison with other girls. Girls hate being compared to other girls, especially if you are hooting for the other girl. So the next time you try and do that, be prepared for a wrath-attack or the ultimate silent treatment. And in case it’s your ex-girlfriend that you are comparing her to – then you are dead. A girl has every right to hate her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriends.

So, there you go. You have a list of things that girls hate about guys and yea there are many many more. Always love your girl instead of judging her. Pamper her but don’t smother her, respect her but don’t be her pet, give her enough time end space and you will get yours, treat her right and she will be yours forever.
