Posts Tagged ‘cigarette’

Throwing My Cigarette

August 12th, 2016, posted in No Smoking

At one time I smoked, but after looking at my beloved I couldn’t think of anything else to give up for her, so I stopped
I haven’t had a cigarette since.

cigarette in air,marlboro,my cigarette in air,smoke in air


Scarface Smoking

August 4th, 2016, posted in COMiCS, No Smoking

To some, the cigarette is a portable therapist !!

Scarface Smoking,smoking,smoke,toon smoking,cool smoking toon,smoke,style smoking,guy,man,dude,


Smoking Answers The Existential Question

July 30th, 2016, posted in MESSAGEs, No Smoking, Scarface'S DIARY, TV Shows

Smoking answers the existential question: how you are going to die.

Smoking answers the existential question: how you are going to die,die,death,smoking,smoke,question answer,question,answer,answers,existential question,existential, question,how you are going to die,how you are ,going to die,californication,hank moody,David Duchovny,hank moody smoking,David Duchovny smoking,cigarette,cigarette smoking,cigarettes,no smoking,smoking kills,say no to smoking,quite smoking,stop smoking,Smoking answers the existential question: how you are going to die gif,die gif,death gif,smoking gif,smoke gif,question answer gif,question gif,answer gif,answers gif,existential question gif,existential gif, question gif,how you are going to die gif,how you are gif,going to die gif,californication gif,hank moody gif,David Duchovny gif,hank moody smoking gif,David Duchovny smoking gif,cigarette gif,cigarette smoking gif,cigarettes gif,no smoking gif,smoking kills gif,say no to smoking gif,quite smoking gif,stop smoking gif,


Be Mine

February 14th, 2016, posted in Art, LoVE, No Smoking

john_constantine,john constantine,john,constantine,movie,be mine,love,smoking,smoke,

I kissed my first girl and smoked my first cigarette on the same day..
And I am enjoying both of them since then !!


Guy Smoking

August 3rd, 2015, posted in Art, No Smoking

Dying Marlboro, marlboro, my cigarette ,criminal-last-of-the-innocent-smoking,cigarette ,no smoking,smoking,smoke, Smoking, wish

To clear up all the confusion, you shouldn’t quit good things like rehab, and you should quit bad things like smoking.
