Posts Tagged ‘firefox’

Firefox Upgrade In Ubuntu

May 28th, 2019, posted in Linux OS

We cannot upgrade Firefox to a recent version in Ubuntu just by navigating to Help and by clicking the Check for Updates option!- the way usually followed by everyone to upgrade Firefox browser on their Windows machine. We can upgrade it, by two ways. Either by adding a PPA and upgrade or by downloading the binaries and installing it manually.firefox_ubuntu_icon,linux administration,ubuntu administration,firefox ubuntu icon,firefox icon,ubuntu icon,firefox update,firefox update on ubuntu

Via Terminal:

Step1: Adding Firefox PPA key

→ Take your terminal

Copy paste this code in your terminal

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next

Step 2: Update

→ To finish indexing the repository

→ Please don’t close the terminal window before completing the update process.

sudo apt-get update

Step 3: Installing Firefox

->To upgrade copy paste the command after following the above steps

sudo apt-get install firefox

→ When it prompts for Y or N, type Y

→ Wait for the process to complete

→ Restart your browser, if it is opened.


How To Copy From Right Click Disabled Websites

November 29th, 2017, posted in Apple, SOCiAL NEtWORkS, TEChNoLoGY, Windows

Ways To Copy Text From Right Click Disabled Pages :

There are numerous way through one can copy contents from Right Click protected sites

  • By disabling browser JavaScript in browser
  • Using Proxy Sites
  • By Using the source code of the site


Disabling JavaScript in Browsers [Google Chrome]

In Chrome browser, you can quickly disable JavaScript by going to settings. See the screenshot for better explanation:

  • Goto Setting >> UnderHood Tab >> Content Settings
  • or enter  chrome://settings/content
  • Then Select Do not allow any site to run JavaScript

Similarly if you are using Firefox, you can remove the tick from “Enable JavaScript” option.


Using Proxy Sites

There are many proxy sites, which let you disable JS while browsing. All you need to use those proxy sites, which offer such features and you can quickly use right-click on click disabled sites.


Through Viewing Source Code

If you have to copy the specific text content and you can take care of HTML tags, you can use browser view source options. All the major browser give an option to source of the page, which you can access directly using the format below or by right click. Since, right click is out of question here, we will simply open chrome browser and type: view-source: before the post URl Like

  • view-source:

And find the paragraph or text you want to copy and then paste it into any text editor.

Well, using this trick ethically or unethically is in user hand but for a normal blogger like me and you, this tip will certainly help. Do you use any other plugin or add-on to copy content of pages with right click disabled? Do you also see this feature as bad user experience?


Clear Your Cache

August 17th, 2011, posted in COMiCS

scarface cahce
