Posts Tagged ‘honey’

Oh Honey You Should See Me In a Crown

October 21st, 2016, posted in Sherlock Holmes

Oh Honey, You Should See Me In a Crown,Crown, honey, Honey You Should See Me In A Crown, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, sherlock holmes bbc quotes, Sherlock Holmes movie, Sherlock Holmes Quote, Sherlock Holmes tv show, tv show, jim moriarty,jim, moriarty,Andrew Scott,Andrew ,Scott,Andrew Scott as Jim Moriarty

Oh Honey, You Should See Me In a Crown,Crown, honey, Honey You Should See Me In A Crown, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, sherlock holmes bbc quotes, Sherlock Holmes movie, Sherlock Holmes Quote, Sherlock Holmes tv show, tv show, jim moriarty,jim, moriarty,Andrew Scott,Andrew ,Scott,Andrew Scott as Jim Moriarty


Honey You Should See Me In A Crown

September 21st, 2013, posted in Sherlock Holmes

In a world of locked doors the man with the key is king and honey you should see me in a crown


Lame Girls

September 13th, 2013, posted in GiRLs, MESSAGEs

whatever girl

I should probably start criticizing guys before I get warring for gender against type thing, but lame girls are everywhere and they don’t seem to be getting better. Here’s a list of things that lame girls will never stop doing:

1. Fishing for compliments: there will always be lame girls who fish for compliments all the time, I think its okay to do it sometimes if your self confidence is falling apart, and by sometimes I mean maybe once every couple of months, but to continue doing it all the time is just pathetic. Take girls with ever-changing Facebook profile pictures for example, pictures that show nothing else but the girl, I mean come on! Who has 365 photos is her profile pictures album? We already know what you look like from every angle.

2. Gossiping about other girls behind their backs: ok not just lame girls, we all do it, we talk about each other, we even talk about girls that we actually like, but we dont spend as much time talking about them as girls that we dont like.

3. Falling for guys that treat them horribly: which is the reason some really nice guys pretend they’re badass (thats lame too but you cant really blame them). Its becoming guys’ rule when approaching a girl.
4. Faking sadness: just to draw attention, and they probably have a certain person in mind whose attention needs to be drawn, that guy is usually following the rule in point 3. Just look at girls with ๐Ÿ™ or ๐Ÿ™ on their status updates, if this girl ever replies to your “whats wroooooooongggggg??”ย comment its either going to be a broken nail or the fact that she has to wake up early tomorrow morning so stop commenting you loser you’re only giving her what she wants and you’re probably the reason these girls still exist.

5. Realizing they like a guy only after someone else comes and takes him:
they dont actually like him, but they were hoping he liked them, and when he’s with someone else that either means he doesnt anymore or that he never did in the first place. You’d think that one member less in their “imaginary fans”ย club (which has a hundred members by the way) wouldnt make that much of a difference. Well it does.

6. Jealousy:
its just the way things are; guys show off in front of each other, girls are jealous of each other, you cant change that. Like those two girls in every company that are not even ashamed of being jealous of each other.
7. Faking affection: so much that you would think they’re best friends, they fake smiles, they fake hugs, they fake “sweeties”ย, “babes” and “honeys”, they even go out together, but they cannot stand each other. Take for example some distant relatives or cousins that pretend they’re really happy to see you at weddings and other social gatherings but start trashing you the minute you turn your back. (These usually come in groups).

8. Faking stupidity:
because they think its “cool” to be clueless. Seriously ??
Any other girl lameness I missed ??
whatever, W