Posts Tagged ‘imran’

Imran Khan From Cricket Legend To The Politician Of Pakistan

July 23rd, 2018, posted in Art, ChARACtERs, PAKiSTAN, POEPLes

imran khan,imran,imran khan pit,imran khan pti pakistan,imran khan pakistan,pti,


Imran Khan Sketch From Dehli Belly

October 16th, 2013, posted in Art, BoYs, MOViES

Imran Khan Sketch From Dehli Belly,Imran Khan Sketch, Dehli Belly,Imran Khan, Sketch ,Dehli ,Belly,Imran, Khan ,Sketch From Dehli Belly


Imran Khan & Moin Akhtar.flv

July 29th, 2011, posted in Moin Akhtar

Imran Khan & Moin Akhtar
Video Rating: 5 / 5


KHUDA Aur Muhabbat

May 24th, 2011, posted in Ink On PAPER, LoVE, PAKiSTAN, STORiES

Hashim Nadeem KHAN is a play write with difference….Khuda aur Muhabbat is his first novel which is also being televised for a private TV channel…..It is the first ever novel by any Pakistani….in Pakistan which has been written in the backdrop of Holocaust…the famous theory of the Jews…which actually has taken a place of faith for them….The novel is being critically aclaimed at both national and international forums….and soon the English version of the book will also be out from London…..

And now-a-days…its been on air on GEO TV… 😉

” Hashim Nadeem got Pride of Performance for his novel KHUDA AUR  MOHABBAT ”

This novel is the best i have ever read..i’d recommend you guys to read this novel….

So, for the desired ones…
Here is the links where you can download it from…
