Pakistan’s popular progressive poet, Habib Jalib, being manhandled by the police during an anti-Zia rally in Lahore in 1981.

Posts Tagged ‘jalib’
Manhandled By The Police
March 25th, 2017, posted in ChARACtERs, PAKiSTAN, Photography, Scarface'S DIARYHabib Jalib Poetry – Yahan Oulti Ganga Behti Hai
March 24th, 2017, posted in ChARACtERs, PAKiSTAN, POEPLes, POEtRY..Change
June 1st, 2011, posted in Ink On PAPER, PAKiSTAN, Scarface'S DIARY, Words
Change – Reality or Fantasy or a Myth ??
“Naqar Khanay main Totti ki awaz” ever heard about that one???? can i give u an estimated figure of articles published at various publications/blogs/epapers, not to forget the no. of tv shows and programs all amplifying the voices, which a lot of our change promoters constantly harp about….
Take a look around, Pakistan and Pakistanis although still resilient to shy away from demanding change, have somehow delved into a state of acceptance. People talk about change, revolution, protests and demonstrations but everybody is busy trying save his own skin first.
According to che guevara , change can either come from the very top or it may start toppling everything from the very bottom – which leads me to a conclusion that either we have to wait for the time when we hit the rock bottom and then we create enough inertia to start this change ripple or we rise to the very top and push the change inside, all the way to the very core. But as u will agree, reaching the top comes with its own share of moral corruption in an already rotten environment.
Bring a change in yourself in such a manner that no fingers are pointed towards you.
If in bringing about this change fingers are pointed towards you (meaning people are surprised by the sudden extreme change in you and talk openly about it) then it will be a trial (fitna) for you and chances are that you will return to your previous state.
Bring a change like a child develops gradually and becomes an adult.
And mY COUNtRY….
oUR COUNtRY… is now more than 60 yrs old now….
In conclusion, i remain skeptical that there would be any change happening any time soon, and i would want to quote Habib Jalib here,
“10 karor yeh gadhay, jin ka naam hai awaam,
Inki maut hogayee, Inki Kismetain zulmaton main kho gayee…”
( Note: dis is 1 of de g8t thngs written by a person i just came 2 knw…
I thaught u should read dis as well…dere r just little bit of additions of MiNE as well.. ; DÂ )