Posts Tagged ‘Muslim world’

10th Ramazan

June 28th, 2015, posted in Ramazan

Name : Khadija bint-e-Khawailad (SA)Hazrat Aisha,Hazrat Ayesha,Islam ,Islamic Woman,Islamic Women,Sahih Bukhari,Islam,Muslim World,#HazratKhadija (A.S), LadyKhadija ,10thRamzan,10th Ramzan,
Title : Umm-ul-Momineen
Agnomen: Tahira
Father : Khawailad bin Asad
Mother : Fatemah bint-e-Zaedeh
Birth : Makkah
Death : 10th Ramazan 3 years before Hijrah at the age of 64 years. Buried : in Makkah

Birth and Geneology
Hazrat Khadija(SA) was the first wife of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). She was born in Makka. Her father’s name was Khuwaylid bin Asad and he was a wealthy trader.


Early Life
Her mother and father both died within 10 years of each other. Their wealth was divided amongst the children but it was Hazrat khadija(SA) who took over the family business and expanded it. With the profit she made she helped the poor, widows, orphans, sick and the disabled people of Makka.

She had a cousin called Waraqa bin Naufal who was very learned man and who was not an idol worshipper. Both Waraqa and Hazrat Khadija were monothiests and believed in one Allah.

First contact with Prophet Mohammad(pbuh)
Because of her excellent Akhlaq the Arabs (who at that time used to look down upon women) called her Tahira – the pure one. She was also known as the ‘Princess of Makkah’ because of her wealth. A lot of Arab nobles and princess wanted to marry her but she refused all of them.

In 595 AD, Hazrat Khadija was looking for someone to be in charge of her caravan to Syria. Hazrat Abu Talib(AS) suggested the Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) to her. She had heard of his trustworthiness and agreed to employ him although he did not have much trading experience. To help him she sent her slave Maysara.

The trading caravan was a great success and when Hazrat Khadija(SA) heard of the Prophet’s skills and excellent conduct, she became his admirer.

Marriage with Prophet Mohammad(pbuh)
Soon it was arranged for Hazrat Khadija(SA) to be married to the Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf). At that time, Prophet Mohammad(pbuh&hf) was aged 25 and Hazrat Khadija(SA) was 40 years of age.

According to Shiite tradition, this was her first marriage and that she was not a widow as is narrated by non-shiite sources. Hazrat Abu Talib(AS) read the Nikah on behalf of the Prophet whilst Waqara bin Noufal read it for Hazrat Khadija.

Hazrat Abu Talib(AS) paid the mehr for his nephew and fed the people of Makka for 3 days in celebration. Hazrat Khadija too fed the people. The marriage was a very happy one and their first child was a son called Qasim. The second was Abdullah. Both died in infancy. Their third and last child was Hazrat Fatema Zahra(SA).

Her services for Islam
When the Prophet used to go to meditate in the cave of Hira on Jabel-e-Noor, it was Hazrat Khadija(SA) herself who would climb up there to give him his food and necesseries. She was the first person to accept Islam as taught by the Prophet(pbuh&hf).

In 616 AD, the Quraish isolated the Bani Hashim (the family of the Prophet) and they took refuge in a ravine called Shib-e-Abu Talib. Hazrat Khadija (SA) was there too and it was her wealth (which she donated for Islam) that sustained the Muslims at that time. The siege lasted for 3 years during which time they experienced hunger, thirst, and the cold and heat of the desert.

Her Death
Hazrat Khadija (SA) was married to the Holy Prophet(pbuh) for 25 years. Shed died in 619 AD on the 10th of Rmazan 3 years before the Hijrah. When she died nothing was left of her wealth – all of it was served for the propagation of Islam.

She was buried in Makkah in a cloak of the Holy Prophet(pbuh). Hazrat Abu Talib(AS) died in this year too. The Prophet(pbuh&hf) called the year Aam-ul-Huzn (the year of grief).

While Hazrat Khadija (SA) lived, the Holy Prophet(pbuh) did not marry another woman and in later years he always said that she was the best of his wives.

 Hazrat Aisha,Hazrat Ayesha,Islam ,Islamic Woman,Islamic Women,Sahih Bukhari,Islam,Muslim World,#HazratKhadija (A.S), LadyKhadija ,10thRamzan,10th Ramzan,


28 May – Youm-e-Takbeer

May 28th, 2014, posted in DAtEs iN a YeAR, Ink On PAPER, PAKiSTAN

28May,May,Youm-e-Takbeer,The Day of Power & Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power & Supremacy, Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power,Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day,Power & Supremacy, Muslim ,Ummah,Power,Supremacy,Pakistan,India,1998,Nawaz Shareef,AQ Khan,Muslim world,nuke,nuclear power,nuclear,Pakistani nation,Pakistani,nation,Islamic world,world’s 7th Country

Pakistani nation & whole Muslim Ummah celebrated 28 May as a “Youm-e-Takbeer”. This day brings a message of immortal power of defense for the Muslim state especially for the revival of whole Muslim Ummah.

28May,May,Youm-e-Takbeer,The Day of Power & Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power & Supremacy, Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power,Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day,Power & Supremacy, Muslim ,Ummah,Power,Supremacy,Pakistan,India,1998,Nawaz Shareef,AQ Khan,Muslim world,nuke,nuclear power,nuclear,Pakistani nation,Pakistani,nation,Islamic world,world’s 7th CountryGlorious Day of Celebration:
On May 28 1998 the Pakistani scientists fired up the trigger of nukes and make Pakistan as first Islamic and world’s 7th Country having the nuclear technology. It is the miracle of Almighty Allah who gave us such invincible power to sustain our selves without any war threat and The Muslim community proud on efforts of our scientists to make such primary weapon for the Muslim defense.

Historic Flash Back:
During the ruling period of general Ayub Khan the decision of establishing a nuclear reactor has been made with the help of Professor Abdus Salam. In 1972 the President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Munir Ahmad Khan as PAEC chairman inaugurated the first nuclear reactor of Pakistan. For this BNFL & CEA contracted with PAEC to provide plutonium and nuclear reprocessing plants in Pakistan but after the influence of India in 1974 BNFL has cancelled its all projects. Later on in 1977 the CEA also cancelled all the projects due to heavy pressure exerted by the US Secretary and other western authorities. In 1976 PAEC made another agreement with France to build an atomic facility at Chashma again due to the US influence the France cancelled its all projects in 1978. Then PAEC had contracted with British BNFL for a reprocessing facility which was cancelled in 1974 as a result in 1980 Pakistan got fully operational Nuclear Plant.28May,May,Youm-e-Takbeer,The Day of Power & Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power & Supremacy, Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power,Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day,Power & Supremacy, Muslim ,Ummah,Power,Supremacy,Pakistan,India,1998,Nawaz Shareef,AQ Khan,Muslim world,nuke,nuclear power,nuclear,Pakistani nation,Pakistani,nation,Islamic world,world’s 7th Country

Zia-ul-Haq Announced We have Nukes:
When Zia-ul-Haq visited India for the cricket diplomacy in 1980 there he told the Indians that we had nukes. It was the first time the whole world heard this comment from Muslim nation president and surprised.

Nukes Cold Test:
Pakistan has done cold test of Atomic nuke on 13march 1983. After the successful results of the cold Test Pakistan become nuclear power on March 1983. But the scientists explained that the results of real test become the Pakistan as Nuclear Power country.

Nuclear Test Decision:
On 11th may 1998 india tested his three nukes and on 13th may tested another two nukes to show the strategic strength in the region. As a result the Prime minister Mian Nawaz Sharif took decision to test the Pakistani nukes for the balancing of Power in the region.

Nukes Test Transportation:
All the material of primary weapon has been transported to chaghi by C-130 plane under the protection of f-16 fighter planes. The -130 over take from chaklala airport and landed on Quetta from where all the weaponary material has been transported to the Chaghi.

28May,May,Youm-e-Takbeer,The Day of Power & Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power & Supremacy, Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power,Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day,Power & Supremacy, Muslim ,Ummah,Power,Supremacy,Pakistan,India,1998,Nawaz Shareef,AQ Khan,Muslim world,nuke,nuclear power,nuclear,Pakistani nation,Pakistani,nation,Islamic world,world’s 7th Country28 May 1998 Nukes Test:
Pakistan has successfully tested its Primary Atomic weapon on 28, May 1998 in Chaghi Hills located in Blouchistan. Pakistani Scientists selected the Koh-e-Kamran for the Test. According to Pakistani Standard time the Scientist has pushed the Fire Trigger on 3:17 pm. Within few minutes of Explosion the whole rock of Koh-e-Kamran turn into yellowish ice dust.

Foreign Influence:
The foreign counties have a great influence on Pakistan to stop the experiment but the Pakistani govt. and scientists did it. The intelligence and securities announced red alert on 26 & 27 May and warned about the missile attack from the enemies. The entire scientist didn’t sleep whole night due to the passion of experiment to make a country proud. Now a days our enemies are working 24 x 7 to disable Pakistan’s nuclear capability and our current government is ready to fulfill demands of their foreign masters but they are facing stiff resistance at every level especially from the Patriotic Nation.

Message by Youm-e-Takbeer:
Muslims can explore the horizons of technology if they become united as the western nations are united now a day. If the European Union makes the Euro for the development of Economy then why not the Muslim Union can be Form? Once it’s formed the sharing of technology and the resources leads the Muslims Ummah better than the glorious past of the Muslims!!

May Almighty Allah save us from the offense of Non-Believers and grant us the Strength to prepare for our defense. Amen.
Youm-e-Takbeer Mubarak.

28May,May,Youm-e-Takbeer,The Day of Power & Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power & Supremacy, Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power,Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day,Power & Supremacy, Muslim ,Ummah,Power,Supremacy,Pakistan,India,1998,Nawaz Shareef,AQ Khan,Muslim world,nuke,nuclear power,nuclear,Pakistani nation,Pakistani,nation,Islamic world,world’s 7th Country

28May,May,Youm-e-Takbeer,The Day of Power & Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power & Supremacy, Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power,Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day,Power & Supremacy, Muslim ,Ummah,Power,Supremacy,Pakistan,India,1998,Nawaz Shareef,AQ Khan,Muslim world,nuke,nuclear power,nuclear,Pakistani nation,Pakistani,nation,Islamic world,world’s 7th Country

28May,May,Youm-e-Takbeer,The Day of Power & Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power & Supremacy, Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power,Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day,Power & Supremacy, Muslim ,Ummah,Power,Supremacy,Pakistan,India,1998,Nawaz Shareef,AQ Khan,Muslim world,nuke,nuclear power,nuclear,Pakistani nation,Pakistani,nation,Islamic world,world’s 7th Country

28May,May,Youm-e-Takbeer,The Day of Power & Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power & Supremacy, Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power,Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day,Power & Supremacy, Muslim ,Ummah,Power,Supremacy,Pakistan,India,1998,Nawaz Shareef,AQ Khan,Muslim world,nuke,nuclear power,nuclear,Pakistani nation,Pakistani,nation,Islamic world,world’s 7th Country

28May,May,Youm-e-Takbeer,The Day of Power & Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power & Supremacy, Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power,Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day,Power & Supremacy, Muslim ,Ummah,Power,Supremacy,Pakistan,India,1998,Nawaz Shareef,AQ Khan,Muslim world,nuke,nuclear power,nuclear,Pakistani nation,Pakistani,nation,Islamic world,world’s 7th Country

28May,May,Youm-e-Takbeer,The Day of Power & Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power & Supremacy, Muslim Ummah,The Day of Power,Supremacy of Muslim Ummah,The Day,Power & Supremacy, Muslim ,Ummah,Power,Supremacy,Pakistan,India,1998,Nawaz Shareef,AQ Khan,Muslim world,nuke,nuclear power,nuclear,Pakistani nation,Pakistani,nation,Islamic world,world’s 7th Country



March 7th, 2014, posted in GiRLs, Islam, MESSAGEs

Hijab,pardha,muslimah,naqab,muslim,muslim world,think about it,do you know,thinking,a word,a message,sister,mother,wife,this is not hijab,hijabI came across this online. Serves as a real eye opener, MashaAllah!

A sister wrote once : “I watched a video lately about … how to tie a Hijab! Yes, now there is an “art” of tying the Hijab, and it’s not al Hijab al shar’i (the Islamic Hijab) of course, but this is a “stylish” Hijab which Shaytan beauties in front of them and whispers them to wear it!

It comes with different colors and looks! There are different ways to wear this “Hijab” : There is one with layers, one with big flower(s) one the side, one with very attractive colors, one with accessories, one which looks like camel hump, one which sparkles, one with golden and silver design, etc, …. and many many others which take much time to be tied. Unfortunately, many sisters spend hours watching videos to learn the “proper” steps of tying this kind of “Hijab”. Some others even go to hair stylists (in some Arabic countries) to tie these scarves (on “special” occasions) and pay money for that!

The funny thing is that these “Hijabs” attract attention more than the natural uncover hair does! But is this the Hijab Allah ordered Muslimat to wear in Qur’an? Does this “Hijab” please Allah? Of course not! Why does Allah order Muslimat to wear Hijab: to attract eyes or to protect her from them? If the scarf the Muslimah wears isn’t loose enough and does not cover her arms and chest so what will be the purpose of wearing it?”

Hijab,pardha,muslimah,naqab,muslim,muslim world,think about it,do you know,thinking,a word,a message,sister,mother,wife,

Hijab,pardha,muslimah,naqab,muslim,muslim world,think about it,do you know,thinking,a word,a message,sister,mother,wife,,this is not hijab sister,this is not hijab lady,this is not hijab lady

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