Posts Tagged ‘Oracle Application Error’


April 28th, 2018, posted in Oracle Queries
제품 : FIN_AR
작성날짜 : 2003-11-18
Receipt Application 시 발생하는 error를 효과적으로 해결한다.
Problem Description
Applications 11.0.3:
Transaction을 생성 한 후 Receipt 과 Apply 할 때 다음과 같은 error 가 발생하였다.
APP-FND-00531 Amount Cannot Be Correctly Formatted
The Amount XXX.XXX Could Not Be Formally Formatted.
The Correct Format Is 999.99 And -999.99

1. 해당 data 를 bakcup 받아 놓는다.
2. 다음 update script을 수행한다.
Update ar_payment_schedules_all
set amount_due_original = round(amount_due_original,2),
amount_due_remaining= round(amount_due_remaining,2),
acctd_amount_due_remaining = round (acctd_amount_due_remaining, 2)
where customer_trx_id=xxx
update ra_customer_trx_lines_all
set extended_amount=round(extended_amount,2)
where customer_trx_id=xxx and line_type='TAX'
update ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all
set amount=round(amount,2)
where customer_trx_id=xxx

Solution Description
Applications 11.0.3에서 Tax / Freight Defaultation Program이 rounding 처리를 잘 못하여 ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all 에 데이타가 corrupted 된 것으로 보인다.
잘 못된 data를 rounding 처리하여 저장해준다.
Reference Documents
Note 247018.1

FRM-92102 : A Network Error Has Occured

September 19th, 2017, posted in Oracle, Solaris

FRM-92102 is Gerneric Error maybe occur for more than one reasons :

4-Session Time 

But today i will discuss the problem On oracle Application server 10g .
Description for the problem like the following when you try to connect on your deploy application On OAS 10g it’s gives the above error from 1-5 minutes.

I will give you more than one solution maybe it will be related to the above problem and you try them separately to see which one will be valid for you : 

1-Netowrk Parameters :

You will find it $ORACLE_HOME/forms/server/default.env
Just increase the value .

2-do the following change in opmn.xml (under $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/):



3-SET Inbound_connection_timeout In sqlnet.ora to ZERO .

Sqlnet.Inbound_connection_timeout = 0

Note : if your can’t find this parameter in the SQLNET.ORA you cant add it .

5- Change the following $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml


Hope this will work 


Error : Transaction Processor error

July 28th, 2015, posted in Oracle

Oracle Application Error :: Error : Transaction Processor error,Oracle Application Error ,Error : Transaction Processor error,Oracle Application ,Error ,Transaction Processor error,Transaction Processor ,Oracle Application DBA,Oracle , Application DBA,Oracle DBA, Apps,Oracle APPs DBA,APPS DBA,Oracle Application r12,Oracle EBS R12,oracle DBA,Oracle DBA error,ORacle application error

This is one of the generic error and there could be multiple reasons, even a bug.  Mostly and commonly it is seen in Inventory Module. For example, while you perform Subinventory transfer or Mis transaction then that through “Transaction processor error” or when you perform Inter-Organization Transfer then that through “Transaction processor error“.

Oracle Application Error :: Error : Transaction Processor error,Oracle Application Error ,Error : Transaction Processor error,Oracle Application ,Error ,Transaction Processor error,Transaction Processor ,Oracle Application DBA,Oracle , Application DBA,Oracle DBA, Apps,Oracle APPs DBA,APPS DBA,Oracle Application r12,Oracle EBS R12,oracle DBA,Oracle DBA error,ORacle application error

Solutions :

1 ) For starters you can check Tablespace, sometimes they are full due to which this kind of issue may occur.

2 ) Check Managers from System Administrator Responsibility

3 ) Check is ‘Receiving Transaction Manager‘ from system administrator responsibility is working or not.

4 ) Check RCV: Processing Mode profile option to immidiate and then restart+activate ‘Receiving Transaction Manager‘ from system administrator responsibility

5 ) Shutdown the Oracle Application & Oracle Database. After doing that start the Database again and once the database is started wait for 5 mins and than start the Application again.


Try all these solutions one by one & hopefully if might resolve the issue. But do it on your own risk !! 😀


FRM-92050 failed to connect to Server /forms/servlet -1 Applet

July 7th, 2015, posted in Oracle

FRM-92050 failed to connect to Server /forms/servlet -1 Applet, Oracle Error,Oracle Application Error,Application Error,Oracle Application R12 Error,Oracle Application 11g Error,Oracle Application 11g ,Oracle Application R12,Oracle Database 11g Error,Oracle Application, Oracle Database ,Oracle Database DBA,Oracle Application DBA, Oracle Dba,Oracle APPs DBA,failed to connect to Server,failed to connect to forms,failed to connect ,Oracle

Solution :

MSIE 8 —>Tools > Internet Options >
Security Settings –>Custom Level >
Scroll down to entry “Enable XSS Filter” > Select Disable XSS Filter button.
