제품 : FIN_AR 작성날짜 : 2003-11-18 RECEIPT APPLICATION ERROR: APP-FND-00531 ======================================== PURPOSE ------- Receipt Application 시 발생하는 error를 효과적으로 해결한다. Problem Description ------------------- Applications 11.0.3: Transaction을 생성 한 후 Receipt 과 Apply 할 때 다음과 같은 error 가 발생하였다. APP-FND-00531 Amount Cannot Be Correctly Formatted The Amount XXX.XXX Could Not Be Formally Formatted. The Correct Format Is 999.99 And -999.99 Workaround ---------- 1. 해당 data 를 bakcup 받아 놓는다. 2. 다음 update script을 수행한다. Update ar_payment_schedules_all set amount_due_original = round(amount_due_original,2), amount_due_remaining= round(amount_due_remaining,2), acctd_amount_due_remaining = round (acctd_amount_due_remaining, 2) where customer_trx_id=xxx update ra_customer_trx_lines_all set extended_amount=round(extended_amount,2) where customer_trx_id=xxx and line_type='TAX' update ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all set amount=round(amount,2) where customer_trx_id=xxx Solution Description -------------------------- Applications 11.0.3에서 Tax / Freight Defaultation Program이 rounding 처리를 잘 못하여 ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all 에 데이타가 corrupted 된 것으로 보인다. 잘 못된 data를 rounding 처리하여 저장해준다. Reference Documents ------------------- Note 247018.1
Posts Tagged ‘Oracle Application Error’
April 28th, 2018, posted in Oracle QueriesFRM-92102 : A Network Error Has Occured
September 19th, 2017, posted in Oracle, SolarisFRM-92102 is Gerneric Error maybe occur for more than one reasons :
4-Session Time
But today i will discuss the problem On oracle Application server 10g .
Description for the problem like the following when you try to connect on your deploy application On OAS 10g it’s gives the above error from 1-5 minutes.
I will give you more than one solution maybe it will be related to the above problem and you try them separately to see which one will be valid for you :
You will find it $ORACLE_HOME/forms/server/default.env
Just increase the value .
Sqlnet.Inbound_connection_timeout = 0
Note : if your can’t find this parameter in the SQLNET.ORA you cant add it .
Hope this will work
Error : Transaction Processor error
July 28th, 2015, posted in OracleThis is one of the generic error and there could be multiple reasons, even a bug. Mostly and commonly it is seen in Inventory Module. For example, while you perform Subinventory transfer or Mis transaction then that through “Transaction processor error” or when you perform Inter-Organization Transfer then that through “Transaction processor error“.
Solutions :
1 ) For starters you can check Tablespace, sometimes they are full due to which this kind of issue may occur.
2 ) Check Managers from System Administrator Responsibility
3 ) Check is ‘Receiving Transaction Manager‘ from system administrator responsibility is working or not.
4 ) Check RCV: Processing Mode profile option to immidiate and then restart+activate ‘Receiving Transaction Manager‘ from system administrator responsibility
5 ) Shutdown the Oracle Application & Oracle Database. After doing that start the Database again and once the database is started wait for 5 mins and than start the Application again.
Try all these solutions one by one & hopefully if might resolve the issue. But do it on your own risk !! 😀