Posts Tagged ‘Oracle : FRM-92102 ERRORS’

Oracle : FRM-92102 ERRORS

January 14th, 2023, posted in Oracle

Error reported was

Users are experiencing FRM-92102:A network error has occurred . The forms client attempted to reestablish its connection to the server 5 time(s) witho
ut success. Please check the network connection and try again.

Reference SR is 6782240.992 ( Leviton Mfg Co )

Please read through Note: 365529.1 Ext/Pub Troubleshooting FRM-92XXX Errors in Oracle Applications:
Please provide feedback on the questions listed in sections:
A. General List of Questions
D. Intermittent or Random Disconnects

These sections gave very good understanding on the problem at hand.

The most important point was timeout settings.
What the following timeout settings are set to:
Timeout Parameters:


Heartbeat = 2 in $OA_HTML/bin/appsweb.cfg

Self Service Timeout Profile Options:
ICX: Session Timeout = 30
ICX:Limit Time = 4
ICX:Limit connect = 1000

session.timeout=1800000 ( in Apache)

So analyst recommended following adjustments

The ‘FORMS60_TIMEOUT = 120’ should not be set so high. For users that walk away and stay con
nected, this will consume unnecessary resources.
It is recommended that the ‘FORMS60_TIMEOUT be set to something like 30 minutes with 60 minutes being about the

Concerning the:
ICX:Limit Time = 4
ICX:Limit connect = 1000

The ICX:Limit Time, controls the total time a session can be logged in. If set to 4 hours,
then after 4 hours the user will get disconnected, regardless of what activity
is being done. Bump this setting up to something like 8 to 10 hours.

The ICX:Limit connect, needs to be bumped up to 2000 +, because each time Session Time is
checked it adds another ICX connection. This IS NOT DETERMEND BY THE NUMBER OF U
SER CONNECTIONS. The more ICX checks its self the more ICX connections you are g
oing to see. Session expiration can also occur when the total number of times th
e session is validated exceeds ‘ICX: Limit Connect’.

The above two ICX settings are most likely the source of the errors you are seeing.

So we had to reset above settings and bounce apps.

We had a question about licensing issue as well and analyst said

The ‘ICX:Limit Connect’ has nothing to do with the number of concurrent users connecting to the a
pplications. Increasing ICX:Limit Connect to 2000+ will NOT voilate your licens
ing with Oracle ( Leviton had only 1000 concurrent user license) .


FRM-92102 : A Network Error Has Occured

September 19th, 2017, posted in Oracle, Solaris

FRM-92102 is Gerneric Error maybe occur for more than one reasons :

4-Session Time 

But today i will discuss the problem On oracle Application server 10g .
Description for the problem like the following when you try to connect on your deploy application On OAS 10g it’s gives the above error from 1-5 minutes.

I will give you more than one solution maybe it will be related to the above problem and you try them separately to see which one will be valid for you : 

1-Netowrk Parameters :

You will find it $ORACLE_HOME/forms/server/default.env
Just increase the value .

2-do the following change in opmn.xml (under $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/):



3-SET Inbound_connection_timeout In sqlnet.ora to ZERO .

Sqlnet.Inbound_connection_timeout = 0

Note : if your can’t find this parameter in the SQLNET.ORA you cant add it .

5- Change the following $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml


Hope this will work 
