Posts Tagged ‘personality’

Cuddle And Kiss On Forehead

August 3rd, 2013, posted in GiRLs, LoVE, MESSAGEs, Scarface'S DIARY

I knew that I had come face to face with some one whose mere personality was so fascinating that, if I allowed it to do so, it would absorb my whole nature, my whole soul, my very art itself.

Kiss On Forehead,Kiss, Forehead,Cuddle And Kiss On Forehead,Cuddle,


The Dynamic Personality Of Hazrat Ali

August 9th, 2012, posted in Ramazan, Saying Of Hazrat Ali ( A.S )

~: The dynamic personality of Hazrat Ali :~

The father of Sufism, the metaphor of “bravery” (known as “Sher-e-Khuda, The Lion of God), the symbol piety, the simile of Wisdom and the master of jurisprudence.

The dynamic personality of Hazrat Ali – Father of Sufism, metaphor of “bravery” (The Lion of God)

– allahumma al`an qatalata ameeri almu´mineena –

اللـــــــــــهم الــعن قتلة أميــــــــــر المؤمنين علیه السلام

O Allah, Curse the killers of Amir Al-Mo’mineen A.S


RI.P. Mr. Moin Akhtar

April 22nd, 2012, posted in PAKiSTAN, POEPLes

He is an inspiration for the generations to come and is one of the few that stands out so distinguishably. A personality which still lives in hearts of millions… Its first Death Anniversary of SIR MOIN AKHTAR.. A tribute to him from Karachi Karachi Hai Yaar… Allah un ko Jannat ul firdos may aala maqam ata farmaye Ameen !!

Mr. Moin Akhtar
