Posts Tagged ‘soul’

Mirrors Of Your Soul

February 6th, 2018, posted in Art, Hannibal, WORKiNG iN GRAPHiCS

Everyone has thought about killing someone ,
one way or another !!

Hannibal Random Art,Hannibal,Random Art,Hannibal Random ,Art,art work,Hannibal TV show,Hannibal Movie,Mirrors Of Your Soul,Your Soul,Soul,


Sleep Doesnt Help If its Your Soul Thats Tired

October 19th, 2016, posted in Art, MESSAGEs, Scarface'S DIARY

Sleep Doesnt Help,Help,Sleepless,Soul,If soul ,your sould ,soul thats tired,Sleep Doesnt Help If its Your Soul Thats Tired,habitual sleeplessness, inability to sleep,insomnia


What It Lusts But In This Is The Destruction Of The Soul

June 10th, 2016, posted in Islamic Teachings, Saying Of Hazrat Ali ( A.S )

soul,Imam Ali,Hazrat Ali,soul,pleasures,teaching of islam,islamic teaching,desires,Hazrat Ali,saying of Imam,saying of Imam Ali,saying of Hazrat Ali,


Inhalling Cancer Stick Is As Deadly As Ingesting

August 2nd, 2015, posted in Art, MESSAGEs, No Smoking, POEtRY..

Inhalling Cancer Stick Is As Deadly As Ingesting,smoke, loaded gun, loaded gun in your mouth,suicidal,smoke,drug kills,durgs,grave,soul,watching,smoking, dreams, Dying Marlboro, Guy Smoking,lover, marlboro, miss you, my cigarette, my dream, my dreams, no smoking, smoke, Smoking, smoking and missing you, smoking and thinking, smoking and thinking about you, Smoking cigarette,


Let Us Be Grateful To People Who Make Us Happy

February 18th, 2015, posted in COMiCS, GiRLs, LoVE

Let Us Be Grateful To People Who Make Us Happy,soul,soul blossom,grateful,happy,girl,man,boy,women,woman,tangled,Flynn, Flynn Tangled, tangled, Walt Disney

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
