Posts Tagged ‘steps’

A Fix for ‘VMWare Authorization Service is not running’ Error

June 23rd, 2014, posted in Windows

Follow These Stepsvmware,VMWare Authorization Service ,Error,A Fix,Solution for VMWare Authorization Service not running,VMWare Authorization support,support,help,solution,windows 7,7,window7

(This fix is for Windows 7)

Make sure you are logged on as the administrator.

Click the start button and type run.
Click run and type services.msc
Press Enter

Find ‘VMWare Authorization Service‘ in the alphabetized list.
Double-Click the service.
Next to where it says, “Startup” in the dialogue box, click the drop down arrow to the left.
Click automatic

You will need to reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.

I hope this helps eliminate some frustration.


A Fix for 'VMWare Authorization Service is not running' Error

June 23rd, 2014, posted in Windows

Follow These Stepsvmware,VMWare Authorization Service ,Error,A Fix,Solution for VMWare Authorization Service not running,VMWare Authorization support,support,help,solution,windows 7,7,window7

(This fix is for Windows 7)

Make sure you are logged on as the administrator.

Click the start button and type run.
Click run and type services.msc
Press Enter

Find ‘VMWare Authorization Service‘ in the alphabetized list.
Double-Click the service.
Next to where it says, “Startup” in the dialogue box, click the drop down arrow to the left.
Click automatic

You will need to reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.

I hope this helps eliminate some frustration.


Solaris 10 on VMware Installation Complete Notes

October 19th, 2013, posted in Solaris, TEChNoLoGY


Here is a compete step-by-step notes that i recorded while walking through the installation process :

Before you can start, download the latest Solaris 10 x64 ISO file from and install Vmware server from :

1. File –> New –> Virtual Machine
2. Click Next on the first scren.
3. Click Next (i.e. Keep Typica configuration)
4. Choose “4. Sun Soaris” for Guest Operating System.
5. (Optional and only if you have a 64 bit capable machine) choose “Solaris 10 64-bit” for Version.
6. Click Next
7. (Optional) Change Location of the virtual machine by click Browse
8. Click Next
9. Choose “Use network address translation (NAT)” and click Next.
10. (Optional) If want to save a little bit of unused space at the expense of slightly slower disk acces speed, uncheck “Allocate all disk space now”
11. Double click on CD-ROM from Devices panel
12. Choose “Use ISO image”
13. Click Browse to choose the DVD ISO file you downloaded earlier.
14. (Optional) Adjust the amount of RAM and number of CPUs you want to allocate to this image.
15. Click “Power on this virtua machine”
16. Enter on BRUB menu for default “Solaris”
17. Enter 1 for “Solaris Interactive (default)”
18. Enter 0 for English. Choose a different language if you wish.
19. Click Next
20. Choose Networked and click Next
21. Choose DHCP if non of the applications you use doesn’t require static IP. Click Next.
22. Click Next (i.e. not enabe IPv6)
23. Click Next (i.e. not enable Kerberos)
24. Click Next (i.e. not eanble Name Service)
25. Click Next (i.e. Use default method to define timezone)
26. Choose your geographical location to choose a timezone and click Next.
27. Click Next (i.e. to accept the date and time)
28. Enter a root password.
29. Click Confirm to accept Selection Summary
30. Click Next
31. (Optional) Choose No for “Reboot automatically after software instalation” Since the CD-ROM was “entered” by software configuration and “eject” is better done via VMWare’s configuration. In case you were not watching when the install completed, it is probably better to let it wait for you to manualy reboot and umount CDRom via VMWare’s configuration window. Click Next and click OK on the pop-up window.
32. Click Next to accept the default Media, which is CD/DVD
33. Check Accept and click Next
34. Choose Custom Install and click Next
35. Expand North America, check “English (United States) (en_US)” and “English United States, UTF-8)(en_US.UTF-8)” and click Next
36. Choose en_US.ISO8859-1 and click Next
37. Click Next (i.e. not install extra software)
38. Click Next (i.e. keep none for no additional software through Web Start)
39. Choose Entire Group Pus OEM and click Next
40. Click Next to accept the default deisk selection
41. Click Next to accept the default disk for partition customization
42. Click Next to accept allocation of all space to Solaris
43. Click Modify to edit partition information
44. Remove slice 7 entry
45. Increase the swap size to the double the amount of RAM you allocated for Solaris in VMWare.
46. Add the remaining disk space to / and click OK
47. Click Next to continue
48. Review the configuration. If everything looks correct, click Install Now. Now you may want to take a break or do something else and check back once in a whie to check on the installation progress.
49. After installation, you should see a Reboot Now Button. Click it.
50. View –> Current View –> Summary
51. Double click on CD-ROM
52. Choose “Use a physical drive:” and click OK
53. If you get an error, just click OK. You probably don’t have a CD/DVD media in your computer at this time.
54. View –> Current View –> Console
55. Press “Enter” key to not override the system’s default NFS version 4 domain name.
56. You should see the login screen once Soalaris completed boot process. Enter root and root password to start using Solaris. Make sure you use JDS 3 by clicking on Options –> Session –> Java Destop System, Release 3 from the boot menu.

APPENDIX A: Install VMWare Tools

1. VM –> Instal VMWare Tools
2. Click install
3. Launch –> Applications –> Utilities –> Terminal
4. cp /cdrom/vmwaretoos/vmware-solaris-tools.tar.gz /tmp/
5. cd /tmp
6. gunzip vmware-solaris-tools.tar.gz
7. tar xvf vmware-solaris-tools.tar
8. cd vmware-tools-distrib
9. ./
10. Enter to accept default directory at /usr/bin
11. Enter to accept default directory at /etc
12. Enter to accept default directory at /etc/init.d
13. Enter to accept default directory at /usr/sbin
14. Enter to accept default directory at /usr/lib/vmware-tools
15. Enter to accept creating the directory
16. Enter to accept default documentation directory at /usr/share/doc/vmware-tools
17. Enter to accept creating the directory
18. Enter to accept executing /usr/bin/
19. Enter to accept creation of /etc/X11/xorg.conf file
20. Enter the appropriate number that represent the correct resolution for your monitor.
21. Restart X session or reboot

vmware solaris10_4

Another link for this by images is this :


ORACLE :How to Configure Net8 in Non-RAC Database

February 17th, 2013, posted in Oracle

To access the database from other than the system in which database installed you need to configure oracle supplies Net8 for this purpose. It is a common interface to client application that needs to connect to the oracle database. It consists of the three files: tnsname.ora, listener.ora, sqlnet.ora.

Steps or Process:
1.      Edit the tnsname.ora file and add the new service name for use by the client software.
2.      Edit the listener.ora file add an entry for another database instance.
3.      Use the ping command to verify connectivity to the Host.
4.      Use the tnsping command to verify the connectivity to the Net8 listener.
5.      Start/Stop the Net8 listener to reload newly added DB instance.
6.      Connect to a remote database over the network.

The normal location for this file is D:oracleora92networkadmin. This file is located on both client and server. If you make configuration changes on the server ensure you can connect to the database through the listener if you are logged on to the server. If you make configuration change on the client ensure you can connect from your client workstation to the database through the listener running on the server.
Add the following entry in your tnsname.ora file and change the value in the bracket according to your environment.
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = rmanbackup)(PORT = 1521))

Note: You can put either system name or directly static IP (192.168. 0.1) as HOST.
C:tnsping rman
Use the above command to verify the connectivity on windows environment.

The normal location for this file is D:oracleora92networkadmin. This file is client side file (typically on remote PC). The client uses thistnsname.ora file to obtain connection details from the desired database. Add the following entry in your listener.ora file and changed the value in bracket as per your environment.
(ORACLE_HOME = D:oracleora92)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(ORACLE_HOME = D:oracleora92)

Note: Provide the unique global name as you specify at the time of database creation. You can change it later with your own domain name.

SQL>ALTER DATABASE rename global_name to;
Lsnrctl>stop listener
Lsnrctl>start listener
Lsnrctl>reload listener
You can use above command to bounce the listener.

The normal location for this file is D:oracleora92networkadmin. The sqlnet.ora file is the profile configuration file, and it resides on the client machines and the database server. The sqnet.ora is text file that contain basic configuration details used by the SQL*Net.
trace_level_client = OFF
sqlnet.expire_time = 30
names.default_domain:  If the net service name does not have a domain specified, this parameter value is appended to the service name.

names_directory_path: This parameter specifies the order of naming methods used when a client attempts a connection to a database. Possible values include: LDAP; TNSNAMES; HOSTNAME; ONAMES; and EZCONNECT.
sqlnet.expire_time:  This parameter, set on the server, enables dead connection detection.  After the specified time interval, expressed in minutes, the server checks to see if the client is still connected. If the client is not still connected, the server process exits.

sqlnet.authentication_services: This parameter is used to enable one or more authentication services.  There is no default setting, so if authentication has been installed, it this parameter should be set to either NONE for no authentication methods or ALL for all authentication methods.

trace_level_client: This parameter enables tracing unless it is set to OFF or 0, which is the default.  Use the following values to set tracing levels: USER (4); ADMIN (10); and SUPPORT (16).

Note : Please not do make backups before using these queries and also confirm them yourself or by aother means as

How to Make a Portable Hard Drive Bootable

June 3rd, 2011, posted in TEChNoLoGY

The operating system on some computers can crash, requiring an external source for the operating system to be used to recover data and repair the internal hard drive. Creating a bootable portable drive using an external hard drive or USB thumb drive is a solution to maintain a convenient recovery system. A bootable portable drive can also be used to run a different operating system on a computer.

Instructions :

STEP #1 :
Plug the USB drive into your computer’s USB port.
Download and install the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool program (see Resources section below for link). Then launch the program, select your USB drive and format the USB drive in NTFS format.
If desired, type the name of your USB device in the “Name” field.
Exit the utility program when formatting is complete.

STEP #2:
Download and install the HP USB Key Utility program (see Resources section below for link).
Open a window for your USB drive by selecting the drive under “My Computer” located in your Start menu.

STEP #3:
Insert the Windows installation disk into your CD/DVD drive.
Launch the HP USB Key Utility program and click the “Next” button to begin the wizard.
Select the drive letter from the drop-down menu for your CD/DVD drive.
Click the “Next” button.

STEP #4:
Select the radio button next to the option “Create New or Replace Existing Configuration” and click the “Next” button.
Select the option “Create New Filesystem” and click the “Next” button.
Select the option “With Partition” and click the “Next” button.
Select the option “HP Firmware Flash Package” and click the “Next” button.
Click the “Finish” button when the Completion screen is displayed to exit the utility.

STEP #5:
Launch your Internet Explorer application and type “c:” in the address bar.
Select “Folder Options” under “Tools” in the top menu bar. Select the “View” tab and click the option for “Show Hidden Files and Folders” in the left frame.
Deselect (i.e., uncheck) the boxes next to “Hide Extensions for Known File Types” and “Hide Protected Operating System Files.”
Click the “OK” button.

STEP #6:
Select the following files in the window by holding down the “Control” (CTRL) key while clicking:
Drag these files to the open window for your USB drive (they will copy to the drive).

STEP #7:
Safely eject your USB drive and remove your Windows installation disk from your CD/DVD drive.

Tips & Warnings:
Make sure that the computers can recognize a USB drive as a start-up device (i.e., older computers reset device recognition as part of their BIOS during start-up).
