Posts Tagged ‘understand’

I dont Understand Woman

September 22nd, 2014, posted in BoYs, GiRLs, MOViES

I dont Understand Woman,women,understand,women,funny


SoRRY… :’ (

May 14th, 2011, posted in Ink On PAPER, Scarface'S DIARY, Words














de most shortest n important word..

i knw..
most of u say..
i cannt 4get n cannt 4gv…
i cann 4get but cannt 4gv…
i can 4gv but i cannt 4get…
i can move on…let it go…but cannt 4get…

so here is de thng…
de truth is..
i can 4get…
i can 4gv..
but whenever i think wht u did 2 mE..
makes mE LiTTLE more dEAD inside…

n each day…each hour…each minute…each second….
i m dying more n more…


sorry tears




it hurts..
it really hurts…
but u cannt remain hurt everytym..
al de tym…
full tym…

sun falls…
but it rises back again..

flowers die..
but other do bloOm…

after every strom..
dere is a rainbow….
its just sumtyms v can c it..
n sumtyms v cannt… ; ]

n if u hv made a mistake..
u can say sorry..
just dont b so much hard on uRSELf…


Saying SoRRY dozn’t mean dere isn’t guilt n 4gving dzn’t mean de PAiN is gone…
but it is de 1st step 2wards it… ; ]

i do hv realiz tht…
More men are SoRRY for speaking dan keeping silence…

so never ruin an APoLoGY with an excuse..
n always say SoRRY n mean it.. ; ]

n try 2 end de thng with a goOd n real SMiLE
or 2 cheer de people up..
u can use dis line..
I never apologize.
I’m sorry….but tht’s just the way I am… ;

sorry hands

n dnt ever 4get tht…
An apology is de superglue of LiFE….
It can repair just about almost ANYTHiNG…..

so say SoRRY 2 whom ever u hv 2 say… ; ]

i am sorry


I m a bad man

May 14th, 2011, posted in Asghar, BoYs

They say i m bad man….
n i hv made them believe….
cuz things i do…
thy hv never seen…
n in the beginng….
i wz f9 with tht….
i didnt care wht they said….
but nw i hv found….
tht wz 4 me….
n it wz bad…..
n i m running all over…..
2 get wht i should had get…..
nw i think tht i should hv done tht….
when chance i had…..
but nw its 2 late……
i hv lost everything…..
n thinking of it…..
is making me sad…..
n they say i m bad man….
n i knw tht….
i m nt tht bad….
but no 1 believes me….
n they just say tht i m bad man….
let me tell u something…..
just a day b4….
there wz a guy doing suicide by jumping in a dark well hole….
i saved his life…..
n guess wht he said….
he said i m a bad man, very bad…
this whole stuff has made me mad…
n nw i m hv become a bad man…
if they want 2 c me bad…
then i wil b bad man…
i gv them wht they want…
cuz i m bad man….
n nw i walking on streets…..
doing bad deeds…..
cuz i m a bad man…..
n the only thing they r going 2 say….
is tht i m a bad man…..
n i m happy with tht…..
n people around me has made me bad….
i hvnt taken this road myself….
i never wish 2 walk in this track….
n its late….
nothing i can do….
just 2 remain wht i m…..
tht is i m a bad man…..
n i m okay with tht…..
i hv girls allround….
n they r in lv with me….
but i dnt lv them…
so i m just using them…
n i m f9 with tht….
cuz i m bad man….
i hv some people 2…..
sum of them r my friends 2…..
but i m nt there friend….
n i m okay with tht…
cuz i m a bad man….
some people think i m useless…
good 4 nothing….
mayb they r nt aware….
tht i m a bad man…
n i m more than useless…
i can b danger 2 them…
cuz i m bad man…
i pass my collage with low grades…
n my mark-sheet wz my marks-shit….
n looking at it wz making me sick….
so i made a another….
with high grades in it….
cuz i m a bad man….

¤══¤۩۞۩ஜ scαяfαcє ஜ۩۞۩¤══¤
¤══¤۩۞۩ஜ POiSON ஜ۩۞۩¤══¤
¤══¤۩۞۩ஜ AsghaR ஜ۩۞۩¤══¤
¤══¤۩۞۩ஜ SyeD ALi ImmaM RiZvi ஜ۩۞۩¤══¤


things got messed

May 14th, 2011, posted in Asghar

i m feeling f*8ked up…..
may b just cauz i m fed up……!
cauz things r not right n i hve no back up……!
n i m so down tht i cann’t even get up…!

i hve no path no track…..
n i don’t know why is life like tht…..
is just me or my bad dream….
tht once i had….!

sometimes i feel my self trap….
i never want 2 answer back…..
but among our thoughts….
there is such a big gap….!

how can i just always argue away….
when i m the only one, bang away…..
n i m not scare,how bad things goes….
i m not going 2 back away……!

i should hve been more wise….
n should had been realize….
u people r not among in those guyz…..
u r not my freind but enemy alliance……!

although i m bar up…..
n totally been bash up….
but i m gona bear up n not let it invein……
cauz y v fall,so tht v may get up again….!

i know wht i m calling 4……
n i m not asking for myself…
but the people arround me 4……
cauz those 4 whom i want 2 live 4……!

i wish i would had a hook…..
2 bring people 2 the book……
so other people may hve a look……..
n think before becoming a crook……!

i know tht things sometimes not work right……
n the star of my life is not so bright……
but tht doesn’t mean u make think worng as right….
n it is only u who can urself bring 2 light….!

¤══¤۩۞۩ஜ scαяfαcє ஜ۩۞۩¤══¤
¤══¤۩۞۩ஜ POiSON ஜ۩۞۩¤══¤
¤══¤۩۞۩ஜ AsghaR ஜ۩۞۩¤══¤
¤══¤۩۞۩ஜ SyeD ALi ImmaM RiZvi ஜ۩۞۩¤══¤


FRiDAY 13th.. ; ]

May 13th, 2011, posted in DAtEs iN a YeAR

                        FRiDAY 13th

For all of u out dere…
hAPPY FRiDAY dE  Happy Friday the 13th… ; D

i mean com’on guys…its not like end of de world or anythng..
though many guys where killed n died on FRiDAY…n sumwhere on FRiDAY wht..??  ; ]

u r stil alive…
n mayb so m i.. ;D
n u knw whts de funny thng.. 😀

i m starting mY BLoGGiNG….
mY real own BLoGGinG oN FRiDAY 13th… ;D

i would 1st like 2 tel abt FRiDAY 13th
Friday de 13th
occurs when de 13th day of a month falls on FRiDAY, which mostly…n commonly superstition holds 2 be a day of bad LUCk…In de GREGORiAN CALENDAR, dis day occurs at least 1ce..but at most 3 times a year..
(hvnt read or send tht calender n hv no offense abt it either.. ; ] )

by de way…
it is said tht..
Any month’s 13th day wil fall on a Friday…if the month starts on a Sunday… 😀

intesesting naa…
de funny thng is more 2 come.. ; ]
according 2 more of mY tiny little search.. ;D

de fear of Friday the 13th is called friggatriskaidekaphobia ( FRiGGA being de name of de Norse goddess 4 whom “Friday” is named n triskaidekaphobia meaning fear of de number thirteen).. or paraskevidekatriaphobia a concatenation of deGreek words Paraskeví (Παρασκευή, meaning “Friday”)…n dekatreís (δεκατρείς, meaning “thirteen”) attached 2 phobía (φοβία, from phóbos, φόβος, meaning “fear”). ..The latter word was derived in 1911 …n..first appeared in a mainstream source in 1953….

dy even hv dis big words 4 tht.. ; ]

de turth is I dnt gv a dammn abt it.. ; ]

I lv FRiDAY..
its de most blessing day 4 mE… ; ]
I spent tym with mY FAMiLY
sumtyms with FRiENDS as well.. ; ]
so i dnt care wht thy say…
I lv FRiDAY n whtever date is it on..
n 2 prove tht I hv written all tht n posting on FRiDAY 13th… ; ]
