Posts Tagged ‘Windows 7’

Ways to Open the Windows Task Manager

May 17th, 2017, posted in Windows

Ways to Open the Windows Task Manager,Open the Windows Task Manager,Ways to Open,Windows Task Manager,Windows,Task Manager,Windows 10,Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows Server 2012,

Bringing up Windows Task Manager is not much of a task itself, but when a virus disables Ctrl+Alt+Del and takes it hostage, how else are you going to open task manager? Or maybe you’re just looking for some diversity in your life, so here are six different ways to open Windows Task Manager.

1) Ctrl+Alt+Del

Readers will probably be most familiar with the three-finger salute (AKA Ctrl+Alt+Del). Up until Windows Vista was released, pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del brought you directly to Windows Task Manager. Since Windows Vista, Ctrl+Alt+Del now brings you to the Windows Security screen which provides users with five different options including Windows Task Manager.

Ways to Open the Windows Task Manager,Open the Windows Task Manager,Ways to Open,Windows Task Manager,Windows,Task Manager,Windows 10,Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows Server 2012,

2) Right-Click Taskbar

Arguably the fastest way to bring up Windows Task Manager is by right-clicking the taskbar and choosing the Start Task Manager option. It’s just two clicks and voilà! You’re staring at Task Manager in no time! Of course, you could always create an AutoHotKey script to bring up Windows Task Manager even faster with a click of a button

Ways to Open the Windows Task Manager,Open the Windows Task Manager,Ways to Open,Windows Task Manager,Windows,Task Manager,Windows 10,Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows Server 2012,


3) Run taskmgr

The Run command is a great tool for accessing shared folders, but you can also use it quickly up programs such as Registry Editor or a Command Prompt. Click the Start button then the All Programs folder. Under the Accessories folder click the Run command. You can also press they Windows Key + R on your keyboard or enable the Run command in your Start Menu. Finally, simply type “taskmgr” and hit Enter.

Ways to Open the Windows Task Manager,Open the Windows Task Manager,Ways to Open,Windows Task Manager,Windows,Task Manager,Windows 10,Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows Server 2012,taskmgr,dos command


4) Ctrl+Shift+Esc

Another quick keyboard shortcut to bring up Windows Task Manager is Ctrl+Shift+Esc. Besides bringing up Windows Task Manager while using Remote Desktop, you can also use Ctrl+Shift+Esc to bring up the task manager while working locally.

Ways to Open the Windows Task Manager,Open the Windows Task Manager,Ways to Open,Windows Task Manager,Windows,Task Manager,Windows 10,Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows Server 2012,taskmgr,dos command


5) Browse to taskmgr.exe

This is definitely the longest way of opening the task manager, but if it’s your only option then it’s better than nothing at all. Open up Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Windows\System32. The location of taskmgr.exe should be the same in all recent versions of Windows. Scroll down (or search) for taskmgr.exe and double click it.

Ways to Open the Windows Task Manager,Open the Windows Task Manager,Ways to Open,Windows Task Manager,Windows,Task Manager,Windows 10,Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows Server 2012,taskmgr,dos command

6) Create taskmgr.exe Shortcut

And last on our list is creating a nice, accessible shortcut to the Task Manager on your desktop. Right-click on your desktop and choose New then click Shortcut. A new window will pop up. Browse to the same path as above, C:\Windows\System32. Scroll down until you see taskmgr.exe, highlight it, and then click OK. Click Next, type a name for your shortcut, and finally click Finish.

Ways to Open the Windows Task Manager,Open the Windows Task Manager,Ways to Open,Windows Task Manager,Windows,Task Manager,Windows 10,Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows Server 2012,taskmgr,dos command


How to Run Disk Check in Windows 7 / To Run Chkdsk from Command Prompt

June 3rd, 2015, posted in Windows

How to Run Disk Check in Windows 7,How to Run Disk Check in ,Windows 7,Run Disk Check,Run, Disk Check,

This will show you how to run Check Disk or chkdsk in Windows 7 to check a selected hard disk for file system errors and bad sectors on it.


Oracle Form Builder issue in Windows 7 : The color scheme has been changed

May 8th, 2015, posted in Oracle, Windows

Oracle Form Builder issue in Windows 7 : The color scheme has been changed,Oracle Form Builder issue in Windows 7,The color scheme has been changed,color scheme has been changed,color scheme ,has been changed,Oracle Form Builder issue in Windows 7,Oracle Form Builder ,issue in Windows 7,Oracle Form Builder ,issue Windows 7,Oracle ,Form Builder issue in Windows 7,Oracle, Form Builder,Windows 7


Oracle Form Builder issue in Windows 7 : The color scheme has been changed


Oracle Form Builder issue in Windows 7 : The color scheme has been changed,Oracle Form Builder issue in Windows 7,The color scheme has been changed,color scheme has been changed,color scheme ,has been changed,Oracle Form Builder issue in Windows 7,Oracle Form Builder ,issue in Windows 7,Oracle Form Builder ,issue Windows 7,Oracle ,Form Builder issue in Windows 7,Oracle, Form Builder,Windows 7

The message “the color scheme has been changed to window 7 basic is related to the Windows Theme Aero .

For the problem “it is not open properly. it opened but in minimized state.”.
It is because the the Reports Builder Window is displayed Off the Screen

Reports Builder / Forms Builder Window Visible Only If Maximized (Doc ID 208196.1)
Some Programs Are Displayed Off the Screen

Method 1 :

-Start the program.
-Right-click the program on the taskbar, and then click Maximize.
-Right-click a blank area of the taskbar, and then click Cascade Windows.
-Resize the program’s window as appropriate.

Method 2 :

-Start the program.
-Right-click the program on the taskbar, and then click Move.
-Move the mouse pointer to the middle of the screen.
-Use the ARROW keys on the keyboard to move the program window to a viewable area on the screen.
-Press ENTER.
-Resize the window if necessary.

Good Luck.. 🙂


A Fix for 'VMWare Authorization Service is not running' Error

June 23rd, 2014, posted in Windows

Follow These Stepsvmware,VMWare Authorization Service ,Error,A Fix,Solution for VMWare Authorization Service not running,VMWare Authorization support,support,help,solution,windows 7,7,window7

(This fix is for Windows 7)

Make sure you are logged on as the administrator.

Click the start button and type run.
Click run and type services.msc
Press Enter

Find ‘VMWare Authorization Service‘ in the alphabetized list.
Double-Click the service.
Next to where it says, “Startup” in the dialogue box, click the drop down arrow to the left.
Click automatic

You will need to reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.

I hope this helps eliminate some frustration.


A Fix for ‘VMWare Authorization Service is not running’ Error

June 23rd, 2014, posted in Windows

Follow These Stepsvmware,VMWare Authorization Service ,Error,A Fix,Solution for VMWare Authorization Service not running,VMWare Authorization support,support,help,solution,windows 7,7,window7

(This fix is for Windows 7)

Make sure you are logged on as the administrator.

Click the start button and type run.
Click run and type services.msc
Press Enter

Find ‘VMWare Authorization Service‘ in the alphabetized list.
Double-Click the service.
Next to where it says, “Startup” in the dialogue box, click the drop down arrow to the left.
Click automatic

You will need to reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.

I hope this helps eliminate some frustration.
