Posts Tagged ‘Yaad-e-Maazi With English Translation’

Yaad-e-Maazi With English Translation

July 22nd, 2013, posted in Ghalib
Its hard to shake off something thats already under your skin,skin,hard to shake off,Cannibal, dailgoue, dragon, food, Hannibal, Hannibal Cannibal, Hannibal Lecter, Hannibal lector, Hannibal moive, Hannibal part 2, Hannibal tv show, I Dont Feel Like Myself, movie, novel, Our Scars Have The Power To Remind Us, power, qoute, Qoutes, red, Red Dragon, remind us, scars, Show, style, tv, tv show,Mirza Ghalib,yaad-e-maaz,ghalib,painful memeory,
Yaad-e-maazi azab hai ya RAAB !!
Cheen le mujh say hafiza mera !!

Translation )

The events of the past so torment me,
Lord !! That I want taken away all of my memories

Mirza Ghalib