Posts Tagged ‘thoughts’

Thought And Prayers Are Not Enough

May 8th, 2018, posted in Words

Thought And Prayers Are Not Enough, We Need Policy and Change ,We Need, Policy and Change ,Policy, Change ,Thought And Prayers ,Thought,Prayers,Thoughts,Prayers and Thought,Prayer


What Is In Her To Like About

January 8th, 2015, posted in GiRLs, Islam, MESSAGEs

What Is In Her To Like About,muslim girl,hijab,parda,girl,girls,woman,women,sister,love,care,hope,scraf,question,answer,affection,thoughts,loyalty,smile


Where Is The Shadow Of Your Soul

July 12th, 2013, posted in MESSAGEs, Sufism

sufism,tasawwuf,maryam thoughts,Love

Where is the shadow of your soul ??

Soul searching (Muhasaba) consists in blaming oneself for the breathings (anfas) and wasted moments other than to obey God through different ways. It happens at the end of the day, like the coordination (musharata) takes time in the beginning of day, when one says to oneself: Here is a new starting day which will be a witness against you; try then, Oh my soul, to fill every instant with what takes you closer to God; because, if you had died the day before, you would have been in need of the goodness that you would enjoy today.â It is this way that one addresses to the soul when the nights is gong to start and that is examined the moment when the night ends, this with tenacity until  the Divine presence settles steadily in it. Then, time will gather in the unique moment (yattahid al-waqt), which corresponds to the dip in the vision (shuhud), and there will not be examiner nor punisher. So, as long as the spiritual progression (al sayr) lasts, coordination comes first, soul searching comes last and the watchfulness -prudence (muraqaba) is done in permanence. Once the intention is attained, there is no more soul searching nor coordination. ——- Translated from Glossaire du Soufisme, by Iban Agibah, edited by A. Saleh Hamdan.

It rests silent among the chaos;  it looks for a sparkle of light to be gone; suddenly, a myriad of joy reflects upon your soul, dismissing the echoes of terrible nights, wondering, wandering, for the perfect flower, the perfect bird, the perfect love.
The shadow awaits, in silence, until you give to your soul the delicious tears, the miracle of tasting the bitterness with joy.
Then, it goes away, waiting to return, to be sheltered in your hearts lap, until you understand that it is what makes you desire the Light of Lights. Until you understand it is a companion you are aware of, forever in your path.
Do not ignore it, just embrace it. Like the child who has no mother, transform the sadness into laughter, into Love. Do not ignore what is giving you the Desire to attain True Love. After all, it is also a guide, a silent guide that brings you to the contrary way, the way you follow when you Love. Be always thankful to the wrong things that happen in your life, because they are the key to your inner strength. The shadow of your soul follows you, no matter what.


Some Thoughts.. Some Anger

June 2nd, 2012, posted in Ink On PAPER

Some Thoughts.. Some AngerFor the many years that I have lived listening to the good teachings, I wonder if it is even rightful to think what I’m thinking now. Am I angry? I don’t know. I wonder at how people can take you so foolishly.

Don’t we often forget to look at ourselves and judge others? Don’t we often ask questions to others before asking them to ourselves? Don’t we often forget that people are all same, basically?

I will not argue more. I know if there are any readers at all, reading this blog of mine, I will only confuse them. But at this moment, I have nowhere to shed this emotion but here. I so damn want to hit someone. Though I am so angry but yet still , I would really want to crack open someone’s brain to really understand his thought.

Even when I lose everything, I know I will not lose my interest to write. Even if I don’t write so well like others, I know I will write, even if it is nothing important.

For sure I will have to sleep tonight with wanting to hit someone so bad. But if there isn’t someone to trigger emotions, when can I ever practice what I have learned ??


Keep You Thoughts Clean

December 10th, 2011, posted in MESSAGEs, Saying Of Hazrat Ali ( A.S )

a message
