Posts Tagged ‘twitter’

They Need From The Comfort Of Their Sofas At The Touch Of A Button

June 10th, 2017, posted in Ink On PAPER, Scarface'S DIARY, TEChNoLoGY, UNiVERSE

shopping online,The Touch Of A Button,On Touch Of A Button,clothes, food, electronics, DVDs and CDs,John Lewis, New Look, Topshop ,Tesco,soical media,facebook,twitter,

The days of trekking to the high street for your shopping needs are over, all you need now to fulfill you shopping needs is a smartphone. Life on the high street is getting increasingly difficult for traders as people can now buy all they need from the comfort of their sofas at the touch of a button.

Now not only can we watch, search and bank online, but we can shop online too. So what are the advantages of shopping online? The service is convenient.  Shoppers can purchase clothes, food, electronics, DVDs and CDs 24/7 and they can have them delivered at a time that suits them.

Retailers are now targeting online shoppers by releasing mobile phone apps. The apps are designed to make the online experience easier for their customers.

The Telegraph said: “Shoppers are spending more time checking out shopping websites on their mobile phones and tablets than on desktop computers for the first time ever, according to new research.

We’ve placed a significant focus on developing our mobile strategy and have more enhancements planned for our app later this year. Customers want to be able to shop seamlessly across all channels and mobile is now the go-to choice alongside visiting our shops.

With all the perks of online shopping, it is no surprise that high street retailers are disappearing. John Lewis, New Look, Topshop and Tesco are just some examples of retailers who started life in store and expanded and created online stores to keep up with the fast changes to shopping.

Link :

It All Make Senses Now

May 7th, 2014, posted in BoYs, COMiCS, GiRLs, SOCiAL NEtWORkS

It All Make Senses Now,twitter,facebook,instagram,girls,boys,think about it,funny,comic,instagram comic,facebook comic,twitter comic,


Lovely Colourful Birds Painting

February 10th, 2014, posted in Art, BiRdS

Lovely Colourful Birds Painting,Lovely ,Colourful Birds Painting,Lovely Colourfu,l Birds Painting,Lovely Colourful Birds, Painting,Lovely ,Colourful Birds, Painting of birds,twitter,


Instagram,Facebook,Twitter Girl

September 22nd, 2013, posted in COMiCS, GiRLs

Instagram ,Facebook,Twitter ,Instagram Girl,Facebook Girl,Twitter Girl ,Girl,funny,comic,relaxing,


Why Someone Unfollows You On Twitter

July 14th, 2013, posted in COMiCS

Why Someone Unfollows You On Twitter,twitter,unfollow,follow,funny,comic
